Berikut adalah daftar publikasi internasional karya dosen-dosen di lingkungan STMKG
No | Judul | Penerbit | Tahun | Pengarang | Keterangan | Link |
1 | Comparison between averaged and localised subsidence measurements for coastal floods projection in 2050 Semarang, Indonesia | Urban Climate, 2021, 35, 100760 | 2021 | Irawan, A.M., Marfai, M.A., Munawar,, …Mahmudiah, R.R., Faridatunnisa, M. | Scopus-Q1 | |
2 | The waveform inversion of mainshock and aftershock data of the 2006 M6.3 Yogyakarta earthquake | Geoscience Letters, 2021, 8(1), 9 | 2021 | Saputra, H., Wahyudi, W., Suardi, I., Anggraini, A., Suryanto, W. | Scopus-Q1 | |
3 | Seismic velocity and anisotropy tomography of southern Sumatra | Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2021, 316, 106722 | 2021 | Liu, Y., Suardi, I., Huang, X., Liu, S., Tong, P. | Scopus-Q1 | |
4 | The Geometry of the Subducted Slab Beneath Sumatra Revealed by Regional and Teleseismic Traveltime Tomography | Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2021, 126(1), e2020JB020169 | 2021 | Liu, S., Suardi, I., Xu, X., Yang, S., Tong, P. | Scopus-Q1 | |
5 | Slab Morphology Beneath Northern Sumatra Revealed by Regional and Teleseismic Traveltime Tomography | Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2019, 124(10), pp. 10544–10564 | 2019 | Liu, S., Suardi, I., Zheng, M., …Huang, X., Tong, P. | Scopus-Q1 | |
6 | Teleseismic Traveltime Tomography of Northern Sumatra | Geophysical Research Letters, 2018, 45(24), pp. 13,231–13,239 | 2018 | Liu, S., Suardi, I., Yang, D., Wei, S., Tong, P. | Scopus-Q1 | |
7 | Spatio-temporal analysis of aerosol optical depth using rotated empirical orthogonal function over the Maritime Continent from 2001–2020 | Atmospheric Environment, 119356 | 2022 | AN Khoir, MCG Ooi, JN Liew, MAI Ramadhan, RH Virgianto, F Tangang | Scopus-Q1 | |
8 | Real-time landslide early warning system based on fuzzy ad hoc data covering methods using empirically-based model | International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, 2020, 18(2), pp. 74–100 | 2020 | Amir Mustofa Irawan, Hapsoro Agung Nugroho, Onno Widodo Purbo, Sandy Tri Gustono, Desak Putu Okta Veanti, Munawar, Rikha Rizki Mahmudiah | Scopus-Q1 | |
9 | Comparison between averaged and localised subsidence measurements for coastal floods projection in 2050 Semarang, Indonesia | Urban Climate, 2021, 35, 100760 | 2021 | Irawan, A.M., Marfai, M.A., Munawar,, …Mahmudiah, R.R., Faridatunnisa, M. | Scopus-Q1 | |
10 | Real-time landslide early warning system based on fuzzy ad hoc data covering methods using empirically-based model | International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, 2020, 18(2), pp. 74–100 | 2020 | Amir Mustofa Irawan, Hapsoro Agung Nugroho, Onno Widodo Purbo, Sandy Tri Gustono, Desak Putu Okta Veanti, Munawar, Rikha Rizki Mahmudiah | Scopus-Q1 | |
11 | Comparison between averaged and localised subsidence measurements for coastal floods projection in 2050 Semarang, Indonesia | Urban Climate, 2021, 35, 100760 | 2021 | Irawan, A.M., Marfai, M.A., Munawar,, …Mahmudiah, R.R., Faridatunnisa, M. | Scopus-Q1 | |
12 | Real-time landslide early warning system based on fuzzy ad hoc data covering methods using empirically-based model | International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, 2020, 18(2), pp. 74–100 | 2020 | Amir Mustofa Irawan, Hapsoro Agung Nugroho, Onno Widodo Purbo, Sandy Tri Gustono, Desak Putu Okta Veanti, Munawar, Rikha Rizki Mahmudiah | Scopus-Q1 | |
13 | Comparison between averaged and localised subsidence measurements for coastal floods projection in 2050 Semarang, Indonesia | Urban Climate, 2021, 35, 100760 | 2021 | Irawan, A.M., Marfai, M.A., Munawar,, …Mahmudiah, R.R., Faridatunnisa, M. | Scopus-Q1 | |
14 | Isolated Regions of Remote Triggering in South/Southeast Asia Following the 2012 Mw 8.6 Indian Ocean Earthquake | Geophysical Research Letters | 2016 | L Ye, H Kanamori, L Rivera, T Lay, Y Zhou, D Sianipar, K Satake | Scopus-Q1 | |
15 | Foreshock–mainshock–aftershock sequence analysis of the 14 January 2021 (Mw 6.2) Mamuju–Majene (West Sulawesi, Indonesia) earthquake | Earth, Planets and Space, 2021, 73(1), 106 | 2021 | Supendi, P., Ramdhan, M., Priyobudi,, …Palgunadi, K.H., Elsera, E.M. | Scopus-Q1 | |
16 | The 22 December 2018 tsunami from flank collapse of Anak Krakatau volcano during eruption | Science Advances, 2020, 6(3), eaaz1377 | 2020 | Ye, L., Kanamori, H., Rivera, L., …Sianipar, D., Satake, K. | Scopus-Q1 | |
17 | Isolated Regions of Remote Triggering in South/Southeast Asia Following the 2012 Mw 8.6 Indian Ocean Earthquake | Geophysical Research Letters | 2016 | L Ye, H Kanamori, L Rivera, T Lay, Y Zhou, D Sianipar, K Satake | Scopus-Q1 | |
18 | Intense foreshock swarm preceding the 2019 MW 6.5 Ambon (Seram, Indonesia) earthquake and its implication for the earthquake nucleation process | Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 322, 106828 | 2022 | D Sianipar, D Daryono, Y Halauwet, E Ulfiana, R Sipayung, G Daniarsyad, … | Scopus-Q1 | |
19 | Analysis of the April 10, 2021 (Mw 6.1) destructive intra-slab earthquake, East Java, Indonesia | Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 326, 106866 | 2022 | P Supendi, D Sianipar, S Widiyantoro, N Rawlinson, BS Prayitno, … | Scopus-Q1 | |
20 | Similarities in the rupture process and cascading asperities between neighboring fault patches and seismic implications: The 2002–2009 Sumbawa (Indonesia) earthquakes with … | Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 229, 105167 | 2022 | D Sianipar, BS Huang, KF Ma, MC Hsieh, PF Chen, D Daryono | Scopus-Q1 | |
21 | A previously unidentified fault revealed by the February 25, 2022 (Mw 6.1) Pasaman Earthquake, West Sumatra, Indonesia | Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, Volume 334, January 2023, 106973 | 2023 | Pepen Supendi, Nicholas Rawlinson, Bambang Setiyo Prayitno, Dimas Sianipar, Andrean Simanjuntak, Sri Widiyantoro, Kadek Hendrawan Palgunadi, Andri Kurniawan, Hasbi Ash Shiddiqi, Andri Dian Nugraha, David P Sahara, Daryono Daryono, Rahmat Triyono, Suko Prayitno Adi, Dwikorita Karnawati, Gatut Daniarsyad, Suaidi Ahadi, Iman Fatchurochman, Suci Dewi Anugrah, Nova Heryandoko, Ajat Sudrajat | Scopus-Q1 | |
22 | P, S velocity and VP/VS ratio beneath the Toba caldera complex (Northern Sumatra) from local earthquake tomography | Geophysical Journal International, 2009, 177(3), pp. 1121–1139 | 2009 | Koulakov, I., Yudistira, T., Luehr, B.-G., Wandono, | Scopus-Q1 | |
23 | Hypocenter relocation along the sunda arc in Indonesia, using a 3D seismic-velocity model | Seismological Research Letters, 2018, 89(2A), pp. 603–612 | 2018 | Nugraha, A.D., Shiddiqi, H.A., Widiyantoro, S., …Wandono,, Irsyam, M. | Scopus-Q1 | |
24 | Comparison between averaged and localised subsidence measurements for coastal floods projection in 2050 Semarang, Indonesia | Urban Climate, 2021, 35, 100760 | 2021 | Irawan, A.M., Marfai, M.A., Munawar,, …Mahmudiah, R.R., Faridatunnisa, M. | Scopus-Q1 | |
25 | Record-Breaking Precipitation in Indonesia’s Capital Jakarta in January 2020 Linked to the Northerly Surge, Equatorial Waves, and MJO | Earth and Space Science | 2022 | Sandro W. Lubis,Samson Hagos,Eddy Hermawan,Muhamad Reyhan Respati,Ainur Ridho,Risyanto Risyanto,Fadhlil R. Muhammad,Jaka A. I. Paski,Siswanto Siswanto, Dian Nur Ratri, Sonny Setiawan,Donaldi S. Permana | Scopus-Q1 | |
26 | Equatorial waves triggering extreme rainfall and floods in southwest Sulawesi, Indonesia | Monthly Weather Review 149 (5), 1381-1401 | 2021 | B Latos, T Lefort, MK Flatau, PJ Flatau, DS Permana, DB Baranowski | Scopus-Q1 | |
27 | Seasonal dependence of cold surges and their interaction with the Madden–Julian Oscillation over Southeast Asia | Journal of Climate 33 (6), 2467-2482 | 2020 | P Xavier, SY Lim, MF Ammar Bin Abdullah, M Bala, SN Chenoli | Scopus-Q1 | |
28 | State of the climate in 2018 | Bulletin of the American Meteorological Societythis link is disabled, 2019, 100(9), pp. SI–S305 | 2019 | lJ.R.A.ButleraW.SuadnyabK.PuspadicY.SutaryonodR.M.WiseeT.D.SkewesfD.KironogE.L.BohenskyhT.HandayanibP.HabibibM.KismanbI.SuhartoiHanartanibS.SupartarningsihbA.RipaldijA.FachrykY.YanuartatibG.Abbasl…A.Asha | Scopus-Q1 | |
29 | Historical and future seasonal rainfall variability in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, Indonesia: Implications for the agriculture and water sectors | Climate Risk Management,Volume 12, 2016, Pages 45-58 | 2016 | Dewi G.C.KironoaJames R.A.ButlerbJohn L.McGregoraAdiRipaldicJackKatzfeyaKimNguyen | Scopus-Q1 | |
30 | Framing the application of adaptation pathways for rural livelihoods and global change in eastern Indonesian islands | Global Environmental Change,Volume 28, September 2014, Pages 368-382 | 2014 | J.R.A.ButleraW.SuadnyabK.PuspadicY.SutaryonodR.M.WiseeT.D.SkewesfD.KironogE.L.BohenskyhT.HandayanibP.HabibibM.KismanbI.SuhartoiHanartanibS.SupartarningsihbA.RipaldijA.FachrykY.YanuartatibG.Abbasl…A.Asha | Scopus-Q1 | |
31 | Spatio-temporal characteristics of Indonesian drought related to El Niño events and its predictability using the multi-model ensemble | International Journal of Climatology, 2017, 37(13), pp. 4700–4719 | 2017 | Setiawan, A.M., Lee, W.-S., Rhee, J. | Scopus-Q1 | |
32 | Shear wave velocity structure beneath Bandung basin, West Java, Indonesia from ambient noise tomography | Geophysical Journal Internationalthis link is disabled, 2020, 220(2), pp. 1045–1054 | 2020 | Pranata, B., Yudistira, T., Widiyantoro, S., …Rosalia, S., Cipta, A. | Scopus-Q1 | |
33 | Crustal anisotropy along the Sunda-Banda arc transition zone from shear wave splitting measurements | Journal of Geodynamics 103, 1-11 | 2017 | S Syuhada, ND Hananto, CI Abdullah, NT Puspito, T Anggono, T Yudistira, … | Scopus-Q1 | |
34 | Hypocenter relocation along the Sunda Arc in Indonesia, using a 3D seismic‐velocity model | Seismological Research Letters 89 (2A), 603-612 | 2018 | AD Nugraha, HA Shiddiqi, S Widiyantoro, CH Thurber, JD Pesicek, … | Scopus-Q1 | |
35 | Seismic imaging and petrology explain highly explosive eruptions of Merapi Volcano, Indonesia | Scientific Reports 8 (1), 1-7 | 2018 | S Widiyantoro, M Ramdhan, JP Métaxian, PR Cummins, C Martel, … | Scopus-Q1 | |
36 | Detailed seismic imaging of Merapi volcano, Indonesia, from local earthquake travel-time tomography | Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 177, 134-145 | 2019 | M Ramdhan, S Widiyantoro, AD Nugraha, JP Métaxian, N Rawlinson, … | Scopus-Q1 | |
37 | Supershear rupture of the 28 September 2018 Palu earthquake inferred from Empirical Green’s Function analysis | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1341 (8), 082011 | 2019 | M Ramdhan | Scopus-Q1 | |
38 | Seismicity around Sunda strait and its surroundings based on hypocenter relocation using 3-D velocity: a preliminary result of relocated hypocenter database construction from … | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1341 (8), 082010 | 2019 | M Ramdhan, R Triyono, N Heryandoko, RT Imananta | Scopus-Q1 | |
39 | Hypocenter determination and focal mechanism solution of May 29 2017 earthquake around Poso, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1341 (8), 082017 | 2019 | MFI Massinai, AP Astuti, MRB Kiraman, MA Massinai, M Ramdhan | Scopus-Q1 | |
40 | Hypocenter relocation analysis of 7.5 Mw Palu and its aftershocks: A preliminary result | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1341 (8), 082009 | 2019 | M Ramdhan | Scopus-Q1 | |
41 | Crustal thickness beneath Mt. Merapi and Mt. Merbabu, Central Java, Indonesia, inferred from receiver function analysis | Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 302, 106455 | 2020 | SK Suhardja, S Widiyantoro, JP Métaxian, N Rawlinson, M Ramdhan, … | Scopus-Q1 | |
42 | Foreshock–mainshock–aftershock sequence analysis of the 14 January 2021 (Mw 6.2) Mamuju–Majene (West Sulawesi, Indonesia) earthquake | Earth, Planets and Space 73 (1), 1-10 | 2022 | P Supendi, M Ramdhan, D Sianipar, A Wibowo, MT Gunawan, S Rohadi, … | Scopus-Q1 | |
43 | Data-driven approach to assess spatial-temporal interactions of groundwater and precipitation in Choushui River groundwater basin, Taiwan | Water 12 (11), 3097 | 2020 | L Nainggolan, CF Ni, Y Darmawan, IH Lee, CP Lin, WC Li | Scopus-Q1 | |
44 | Design of solar power system for the new mini region of broadband seismometer shelter in Tiganderket, Karo, North Sumatera, Indonesia | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 22, 100747 | 2020 | M Sinambela, M Situmorang, K Tarigan, S Humaidi, T Rahayu | Scopus-Q1 | |
45 | Shear wave splitting of the 2018 Lombok earthquake aftershock area, Indonesia | Geoscience Letters 10 (1), 1-16 | 2023 | Annisa Trisnia Sasmi, Andri Dian Nugraha, Muzli Muzli, Sri Widiyantoro, Syuhada Syuhada, Faiz Muttaqy, Zulfakriza Zulfakriza, Shengji Wei, Awali Priyono, Haunan Afif, Pepen Supendi, Yayan Mi’rojul Husni, Billy S. Prabowo & Achmad Fajar Narotama Sarjan | Scopus-Q1 | |
46 | Secondary fault system in Northern Sumatra, evidenced by recent seismicity and geomorphic structure | Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 105557 | 2023 | Umar Muksin, Arifullah Arifullah, Andrean VH Simanjuntak, Nadiatul Asra, Muzli Muzli, Shengji Wei, Endra Gunawan, Makoto Okubo | Scopus-Q1 | |
47 | Absence of Near‐Trench Early Triggering during the 2012 Mw 7.2 Indian Ocean Strike‐Slip Earthquake: Evidence from One‐Day Aftershocks | Seismological Research Letters 93 (2A), 719-726 | 2022 | B Jia, H Yue, M Muzli | Scopus-Q1 | |
48 | Local earthquake tomography of the source region of the 2018 Lombok earthquake sequence, Indonesia | Geophysical Journal International 226 (3), 1814-1823 | 2021 | H Afif, AD Nugraha, M Muzli, S Widiyantoro, Z Zulfakriza, S Wei, DP Sahara, A Riyanto, T Greenfield, NT Puspito, A Priyono, AT Sasmi, P Supendi, A Ardianto, DK Syahbana, S Rosalia, A Cipta, YM Husni | Scopus-Q1 | |
49 | Thermal squeezing of the seismogenic zone controlled rupture of the volcano-rooted Flores Thrust | Science Advances 7 (5), eabe2348 | 2021 | Karen Lythgoe, Muzli Muzli, Kyle Bradley, Teng Wang, Andri Dian Nugraha, Zulfakriza Zulfakriza, Sri Widiyantoro, Shengji Wei | Scopus-Q1 | |
50 | The 1922 Peninsula Malaysia earthquakes: Rare intraplate seismicity within the Sundaland block in southeast Asia | Seismological Research Letters 91 (5), 2531-2545 | 2020 | Stacey Servito Martin, Yu Wang, Muzli Muzli, Shengji Wei | Scopus-Q1 | |
51 | Hypocenter and magnitude analysis of aftershocks of the 2018 Lombok, Indonesia, earthquakes using local seismographic networks | Seismological Research Letters 91 (4), 2152-2162 | 2020 | Annisa Trisnia Sasmi, Andri Dian Nugraha, Muzli Muzli, Sri Widiyantoro, Zulfakriza Zulfakriza, Shengji Wei, David P Sahara, Agus Riyanto, Nanang T Puspito, Awali Priyono, Tim Greenfield, Haunan Afif, Pepen Supendi, Daryono Daryono, Ardianto Ardianto, Devy Kamil Syahbana, Yayan Mi’rojul Husni, Billy S Prabowo, Achmad Fajar Narotama Sarjan | Scopus-Q1 | |
52 | Cascading partial rupture of the Flores thrust during the 2018 Lombok earthquake sequence, Indonesia | Seismological Research Letters 91 (4), 2141-2151 | 2020 | Annisa Trisnia Sasmi, Andri Dian Nugraha, Muzli Muzli, Sri Widiyantoro, Zulfakriza Zulfakriza, Shengji Wei, David P Sahara, Agus Riyanto, Nanang T Puspito, Awali Priyono, Tim Greenfield, Haunan Afif, Pepen Supendi, Daryono Daryono, Ardianto Ardianto, Devy Kamil Syahbana, Yayan Mi’rojul Husni, Billy S Prabowo, Achmad Fajar Narotama Sarjan | Scopus-Q1 | |
53 | Reconstruction of the 2018 tsunamigenic flank collapse and eruptive activity at Anak Krakatau based on eyewitness reports, seismo-acoustic and satellite observations | Earth and Planetary Science Letters 541, 116268 | 2020 | Anna Perttu, Corentin Caudron, JD Assink, D Metz, Dorianne Tailpied, B Perttu, C Hibert, Dini Nurfiani, C Pilger, Muzli Muzli, D Fee, OL Andersen, Benoît Taisne | Scopus-Q1 | |
54 | Weak near‐field behavior of a tsunami earthquake: Toward real‐time identification for local warning | Geophysical Research Letters 46 (16), 9519-9528 | 2019 | VJ Sahakian, D Melgar, M Muzli | Scopus-Q1 | |
55 | AcehSeis project provides insights into the detailed seismicity distribution and relation to fault structures in Central Aceh, Northern Sumatra | Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 171, 20-27 | 2019 | U Muksin, K Bauer, M Muzli, T Ryberg, I Nurdin, M Masturiyono, M Weber | Scopus-Q1 | |
56 | The 2016 Mw 6.5 Pidie Jaya, Aceh, North Sumatra, earthquake: reactivation of an unidentified sinistral fault in a region of distributed deformation | Seismological Research Letters 89 (5), 1761-1772 | 2018 | Muzli Muzli, Muksin Umar, Andri Dian Nugraha, Kyle Edward Bradley, Sri Widiyantoro, Kemal Erbas, Philippe Jousset, Supriyanto Rohadi, Irwandi Nurdin, Shengji Wei | Scopus-Q1 | |
57 | A geodetic study of the 23 October 2011 Van, Turkey earthquake | Tectonophysics 588, 118-134 | 2013 | Yüksel Altiner, Wolfgang Söhne, Caner Güney, James Perlt, Rongjiang Wang, Muzli Muzli | Scopus-Q1 | |
58 | Effect of monsoon phenomenon on sea surface temperatures in Indonesian Throughflow region and southeast Indian Ocean | Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University 56 (6) | 2021 | YD Haryanto, NF Riama, DR Purnama, N Pradita, SF Ismah, AW Suryo, … | Scopus-Q2 | |
59 | Source Mechanism of the 29 May 2017 Mw 6.6 Poso (Sulawesi, Indonesia) Earthquake and Its Seismotectonic Implication | Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2021 | 2021 | Daniarsyad, G., Sianipar, D., Heryandoko, N., Priyobudi, P. | Scopus-Q2 | |
60 | Excessive seismicity over a limited source: the August 2019 earthquake swarm near Mt. Salak in West Java (Indonesia) | Journal of Seismology, 2020, 24(6), pp. 1189–1204 | 2020 | Sianipar, D., Sipayung, R., Ulfiana, E. | Scopus-Q2 | |
61 | Immediate Foreshocks Activity Preceding the 2018 Mw 7.5 Palu Earthquake in Sulawesi, Indonesia | Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2020, 177(6), pp. 2421–2436 | 2020 | Sianipar, D. | Scopus-Q2 | |
62 | Rupture behavior of the 2017 Mw6.6 Poso earthquake in Sulawesi, Indonesia | Geodesy and Geodynamics | 2021 | D Sianipar, G Daniarsyad, P Priyobudi, N Heryandoko, D Daryono | Scopus-Q2 | |
63 | Source study of the 1996 MW 8.2 Biak (Papua, Indonesia) earthquake: relations to regional tectonics and directivity effect | Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14 (20), 1-10 | 2021 | A Arimuko, D Sianipar | Scopus-Q2 | |
64 | Impact of rainfall intensity, monsoon and MJO to rainfall merging in the Indonesian maritime continent | J Earth Syst Sci 129, 164. Doi:10.1007/s12040-020-01427-8. | 2020 | Giarno, Hadi, M. P., Suprayogi, S. & Murti, S. H. | Scopus-Q2 | |
65 | Comparison of some schemes for determining the optimal number of rain gauges in a specific area: A case study in an urban area of South Sulawesi, Indonesi | AIMS Environmental Science, Volume 9, Issue 3: 260-276. doi: 10.3934/environsci.2022018 | 2022 | Sunusi, and Giarno | Scopus-Q2 | |
66 | Bias of automatic weather parameter measurement in monsoon area, a case study in Makassar Coast | AIMS Environmental Science 10 (1), 1-15 | 2023 | Sunusi, N., and Giarno | Scopus-Q2 | |
67 | Performance of MODIS Deep Blue Collection 6.1 Aerosol Optical Depth Products Over Indonesia: Spatiotemporal Variations and Aerosol Types | Advances in Meteorology 2022 | 2022 | RCH Hutauruk, DS Permana, IA Rangga, C Sucianingsih, TA Nuraini | Scopus-Q2 | |
68 | Reconstruction of Extreme Rainfall Event on September 19-20, 2017, Using a Weather Radar in Bengkulu of Sumatra Island | The Scientific World Journal 2020 | 2020 | JAI Paski, F Alfahmi, DS Permana, EES Makmur | Scopus-Q2 | |
69 | Research Article Reconstruction of Extreme Rainfall Event on September 19-20, 2017, Using a Weather Radar in Bengkulu of Sumatra Island | The Scientific World Journal/2020 | 2020 | JAI Paski, F Alfahmi, DS Permana, EES Makmur | Scopus-Q2 | |
70 | Crustal velocity structure in Borneo Island using receiver function inversion | Acta Geophysicathis link is disabled, 2022 | 2022 | Syuhada, S., Pranata, B., Anggono, T., …Hasib, M., Sulaiman, A. | Scopus-Q2 | |
71 | Characteristics of Large-Scale Circulation Affecting the Inter-Annual Precipitation Variability in Northern Sumatra Island during Boreal Summer | Atmosphere 12 (2), 136 | 2021 | Y Darmawan, HH Hsu, JY Yu | Scopus-Q2 | |
72 | Characteristics of Earthquake-Generated Tsunamis in Indonesia Based on Source Parameter Analysis. | Journal of Mathematical & Fundamental Sciences 45 (2) | 2013 | S Pribadi, NT Puspito, G Ibrahim | Scopus-Q2 | |
73 | Delineation of upper crustal structure beneath the Island of Lombok, Indonesia, using ambient seismic noise tomography | Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 560428 | 2021 | Achmad FN Sarjan, Zulfakriza Zulfakriza, Andri D Nugraha, Shindy Rosalia, Shengji Wei, Sri Widiyantoro, Phil R Cummins, Muzli Muzli, David P Sahara, Nanang T Puspito, Awali Priyono, Haunan Afif | Scopus-Q2 | |
74 | Seismic Attenuation Tomography From 2018 Lombok Earthquakes, Indonesia | Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 639692 | 2021 | Awali Priyono, Andri Dian Nugraha, Muzli Muzli, Ardianto Ardianto, Atin Nur Aulia, Billy Sugiartono Prabowo, Zulfakriza Zulfakriza, Shindy Rosalia, Annisa T Sasmi, Haunan Afif, David P Sahara, Sri Widiyantoro, Shengji Wei, Yayan M Husni, Achmad Fajar Narotama Sarjan | Scopus-Q2 | |
75 | Seismic Attenuation Tomography of the 2018 Lombok, Indonesia, Earthquake Aftershocks | Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 191 | 2021 | Awali Priyono, Andri Dian Nugraha, Muzli Muzli, Ardianto Ardianto, Atin Nur Aulia, Billy Sugiartono Prabowo, Zulfakriza Zulfakriza, Shindy Rosalia, Annisa T Sasmi, Haunan Afif, David P Sahara, Sri Widiyantoro, Shengji Wei, Yayan M Husni, Achmad Fajar Narotama Sarjan | Scopus-Q2 | |
76 | Fault instability and its relation to static coulomb failure stress change in the 2016 Mw 6.5 Pidie Jaya earthquake, Aceh, Indonesia | Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 559434 | 2021 | Dian Kusumawati, David P Sahara, Sri Widiyantoro, Andri Dian Nugraha, Muzli Muzli, Iswandi Imran, Nanang T Puspito, Zulfakriza Zulfakriza | Scopus-Q2 | |
77 | A Conceptual Framework for Flood Impact Mitigation Through Transboundary River Management | International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology Vol 11, No 3 (2021) | 2021 | Georgina Clegg, Richard Haigh, Dilanthi Amaratunga, Harkunti Rahayu, Harshinie Karunarathna, Deni Septiadi | Scopus-Q3 | |
78 | Machine learning and artificial intelligence models development in rainfall-induced landslide prediction | IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI), Vol. 12, No. 1, March 2023, pp. 262~270 | 2023 | Hastuadi Harsa, Anistia Malinda Hidayat, Adi Mulsandi, Bambang Suprihadi, Roni Kurniawan, Muhammad Najib Habibie, Thahir Daniel Hutapea, Yunus S. Swarinoto, Erwin Eka Syahputra Makmur, Welly Fitria, Rahayu Sapta Sri Sudewi, Alfan Sukmana Praja | Scopus-Q3 | |
79 | Algorithm performance comparison for earthquake signal recognition on smartphone’s accelerometer | Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 2020, 18(5), pp. 2505–2516 | 2020 | Nugroho, H.A., Wicaksana, H.S., Hariyanto,, Virgianto, R.H. | Scopus-Q3 | |
80 | Algorithm performance comparison for earthquake signal recognition on smartphone’s accelerometer | TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 18 (5) | 2020 | HA Nugroho, HS Wicaksana, H Hariyanto, RH Virgianto | Scopus-Q3 | |
81 | Simulation of Rainwater Harvesting Potential to Satisfy Domestic Water Demand Based on Observed Precipitation Data in Jakarta. | Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences 53 (6) | 2021 | RH Virgianto, Q Kartika | Scopus-Q3 | |
82 | Algorithm performance comparison for earthquake signal recognition on smartphone’s accelerometer | Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 2020, 18(5), pp. 2505–2516 | 2020 | Nugroho, H.A., Wicaksana, H.S., Hariyanto,, Virgianto, R.H. | Scopus-Q3 | |
83 | Propagation of upwelling on Western-Coast Sumatra during Madden-Julian oscillation event | Journal of Ecological Engineering, 2018, 19(1), pp. 122–128 | 2018 | Haryanto, Y.D., Fitrianti, N., Hartoko, A., Anggoro, S., Zainuri, M. | Scopus-Q3 | |
84 | Bias correction of radar and satellite rainfall estimates and increasing its accuracy using modified merging | MAUSAM, 71, 3,376-390. | 2020 | Giarno, Hadi, M. P., Suprayogi, S. & Murti, S. H. | Scopus-Q3 | |
85 | Clustering Pandemic COVID-19 and Relationship to Air Temperature and Relative Humidity in the Tropical and Subtropical Region | Walailak Journal of Science and Technology, 18, 16 | 2021 | Giarno | Scopus-Q3 | |
86 | Application of the Simple Verification Method to Estimate the Weather at Makassar Maritime Station, Indonesia | Walailak Journal of Science and Technology, 18, 17 | 2021 | Didiharyono Didiharyono, Giarno Giarno | Scopus-Q3 | |
87 | Crustal velocity structure in Borneo Island using receiver function inversion | Acta Geophysica, 1-25 | 2022 | S Syuhada, B Pranata, T Anggono, M Ramdhan, Z Zulfakriza, F Febriani, … | Scopus-Q3 | |
89 | Spatial Distribution of Trace Elements in Rice Field at Prafi District Manokwari | Indonesian Journal of Geography 48 (1), 1 | 2016 | AES Bless, Y Darmawan, S Baan | Scopus-Q3 | |
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92 | RAPID SOURCE PARAMETER DETERMINATION AND EARTHQUAKE SOURCE PROCESS IN INDONESIA REGION | Bulletin of the International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 42, 7-12 | 2008 | I SUARDI, Y YAGI, A KATSUMATA, O KAMIGAICHI | Scopus-Q4 | |
93 | Identification of Slip Distribution Mw8.1 Biak Earthquake on February 17, 1996 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1805(1), 012017 | 2021 | Arimuko, A., Ariyanto, P., Gustono, S.T., Suardi, I. | Scopus-Q4 | |
94 | Modeling of daily PM2.5 concentration based on the principal components regression in South and Central Jakarta | Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020, 1434(1), 012012 | 2020 | Alfiandy, S., Virgianto, R.H., Putri, A.S. | Scopus-Q4 | |
95 | The Utilization of GGMplus Data Using Derivative Method and 3D Modeling of Subsurface Structure for Trienggadeng Fault Identification in Pidie Jaya, Aceh Region | Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1805(1), 012037 | 2021 | Akhadi, M., Harahap, D., Subakti, H., Wandono, | Scopus-Q4 | |
96 | Exploratory Analysis of Rainfall Occurrence in South Sulawesi Region Using Spatial Point Process | Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 11, 4: 113.118, DOI: 10.3844/jmssp.2015.113.118 | 2015 | Nurtiti Sunusi, Erna Tri Herdiani, Fachrul Nawawi, Giarno | Scopus-Q4 | |
97 | Modified mean field bias and local bias for improvement bias corrected satellite rainfall estimates | MAUSAM, 69, 4, 543-552. | 2018 | Giarno, Hadi, M. P., Suprayogi, S. & Murti, S. H. | Scopus-Q4 | |
98 | The Precursors of High Rainfall Intensity During June in Southern Central Java: A Case Study of Flash Floods 18 June 2016 in Purworejo | MAUSAM 73 (4), 877-896 | 2022 | Giarno, Nanaruslana, Z | Scopus-Q4 | |
99 | Relocation of hypocenters from DOMERAPI and BMKG networks: a preliminary result from DOMERAPI project | Earthquake Science 30 (2), 67-79 | 2017 | M Ramdhan, S Widiyantoro, AD Nugraha, JP Métaxian, A Saepuloh, … | Scopus-Q4 | |
100 | Determination of slip distribution of the 28 march 2005 Nias earthquake using joint inversion of Tsunami Waveform and GPS data | Bulletin of the International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 2013, 47, pp. 115–120 | 2013 | Yatimantoro, T., Tanioka, Y. | Scopus-Q4 | |
101 | Age determination of paleotsunami sediments around Lombok Island, Indonesia, and identification of their possible tsunamigenic earthquakes | Earthquake Sciencethis link is disabled, 2017, 30(2), pp. 107–113 | 2017 | Aswan, Zaim, Y., Rizal, Y., …Santoso, W.D., Nurochim | Scopus-Q4 | |
102 | Anomalous ULF emissions and their possible association with the strong earthquakes in Sumatra, Indonesia, during 2007–2012 | J. Math. Fundam. Sci 47 (1), 84-103 | 2015 | Suaidi Ahadi, Nanang Tyasbudi Puspito, Gunawan Ibrahim, Sarmoko Saroso, Kiyohumi Yumoto, Akimasa Yoshikawa, M Muzli | Scopus-Q4 | |
103 | Cloud Spectral Characteristics Prior To Convective Initiation Event Based on Himawari-8 Satellite Around Surabaya | 2020 | IFP Perdana, D Septiadi | Scopus International Conference | | |
104 | Spatio-Temporal Lightning Analysis Over North Sulawesi in 2019-2020 | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 893 (1), 012009 | 2021 | AA Azani, DA Pratama, N Kusumawardani, I Rusmala, D Septiadi | Scopus International Conference | |
105 | An Assessment of Convective Initiation Nowcasting Algorithm within 0-60 Minutes using Himawari-8 Satellite | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 893 (1), 012049 | 2021 | IFP Perdana, D Septiadi | Scopus International Conference | |
106 | Causes and impact of extreme Low Level Wind Shear (LLWS) event at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport | IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 1105 012011 DOI 10.1088/1755-1315/1105/1/012011 | 2022 | Y Ratnasari, N J Trilaksono and D Septiadi | Scopus International Conference | |
107 | Study of atmospheric condition during the heavy rain event in Bojonegoro using weather research and forecasting (WRF) model: Case study 9 February 2017 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018, 332(1), 012025 | 2018 | Saragih, I.J.A., Meygatama, A.G., Sugihartati, F.M., Sidauruk, M., Mulsandi, A. | Scopus International Conference | |
108 | Improvement of numerical weather prediction of heavy rain event using radar data assimilation using rapid update cycle method in Jabodetabek Region | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 399(1), 012124 | 2019 | Santi, N.V., Paski, J.A.I., Mulsandi, A. | Scopus International Conference | |
109 | Study of inundation events along the southern coast of Java and Bali, Indonesia (case studies 4-9 June 2016) | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2017, 55(1), 012014 | 2017 | Nugraheni, I.R., Wijayanti, D.P., Sugianto, D.N., Ramdhani, A. | Scopus International Conference | |
110 | Identification of the Sea-Land Breeze Event and Influence to the Convective Activities on the Coast of Deli Serdang | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2017, 98(1), 012003 | 2017 | Saragih, I.J.A., Putra, A.W., Nugraheni, I.R., Rinaldy, N., Yonas, B.W. | Scopus International Conference | |
111 | Study of coastal flooding in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara due to Tropical Cyclone Frances (case study April 27th – 30th 2017) | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 162(1), 012013 | 2018 | Astiduari, I.G.A.P.P., Rasyiid, T.H.A., Nugraheni, I.R. | Scopus International Conference | |
112 | Verification of the effect of quality control implementation to increase accuracy of rainfall estimation in Lombok areas | Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2019, 11372, 113720R | 2019 | Sulistio, E.M.A., Lestari, A.B., Ramadhan, R., …Nugraheni, I.R., Amalo, L.F. | Scopus International Conference | |
113 | The Characteristics of squall line over Indonesia and its vicinity based on Himawari-8 satellite imagery and radar data interpretation | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 303(1), 012059 | 2019 | Hidayat, A.M., Efendi, U., Rahmadini, H.N., Nugraheni, I.R. | Scopus International Conference | |
114 | Identification of Mesoscale Convective Complex (MCC) phenomenon with image of Himawari 8 Satellite and WRF ARW Model on Bangka Island (Case Study: 7-8 February 2016) | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 98 (1), 012002 | 2017 | N Rinaldy, IJA Saragih, AW Putra, IR Nugraheni, BW Yonas | Scopus International Conference | |
115 | Simulation models WRF-Fire for wildland fire to purpose of disaster mitigation in Indonesia (Case study: Wildland fire on September, 23th 2015 in South of Sumatera) | AIP Conference Proceedings 1857 (1), 100005 | 2017 | AM Anggoro, AW Putra, BS Hutasoit | Scopus International Conference | |
116 | Moment tensor analysis of the September 2, 2009 Tasikmalaya, West Java earthquake using the waveform inversion method of near field data | Int. J. Tomogr. Simul., 63-74 | 2014 | I Suardi, S Afnimar, Y Yagi | Scopus International Conference | |
117 | The empirical formula determination of local magnitude for north Moluccas region | AIP Conference Proceedings 1730 (1), 020008 | 2016 | B Kamaruddin, I Suardi, N Heryandoko, IGKS Bunaga | Scopus International Conference | |
118 | Analysis of Aftershocks Distribution of the June 16, 2010 Yapen Earthquake Based on Stress Changes on the Fault Plane. | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 29 (1), 012017 | 2016 | I Bunaga, I Suardi, NE Deviyanti | Scopus International Conference | |
119 | Analysis of source process and static surface deformation of the November 15, 2014 Halmahera earthquake | AIP Conference Proceedings 1730 (1), 020006 | 2016 | A Rosid, I Suardi, M Muzli | Scopus International Conference | |
120 | Local seismicity pattern around Mt. Pandan, East Java according to February 2016 earthquake swarms activity | AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018, 1987, 020034 | 2018 | Agus, R., Suardi, I., Sipayung, R., Sianipar, D. | Scopus International Conference | |
121 | Crustal thickness beneath Jailolo region constructed from P wave receiver function | AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018, 1987, 020035 | 2018 | Ali, Y.H., Suardi, I. | Scopus International Conference | |
122 | The source mechanism analysis of significant local earthquake Mw 5.6 January 16, 2017 near Mt. Sibayak and Mt. Sinabung using moment tensor inversion of BMKG waveform data | AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018, 1987, 020078 | 2018 | Prasetyo, R.A., Heryandoko, N., Sianipar, D.S.J., Suardi, I., Rohadi, S. | Scopus International Conference | |
123 | The January 25th, 2014 Kebumen earthquake: A normal faulting in subduction zone of southern Java | AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017, 1857, 4987061 | 2017 | Serhalawan, Y.R., Sianipar, D., Suardi, I. | Scopus International Conference | |
124 | Diversity, resilience, and tragedy: Three disasters in Palu of Indonesia | International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change 5 (2), 1592-1607 | 2019 | R Rajindra, I Suardi, Z Sabara, D Pushpalal, MA Samad, A Yani, R Umam | Scopus International Conference | |
125 | Crustal thickness beneath Jailolo region constructed from P wave receiver function | AIP Conference Proceedings 1987 (1), 020038 | 2018 | YH Ali, I Suardi | Scopus International Conference | |
126 | Stress triggering among MW≥ 6.0 significant earthquakes in Manokwari Trough | AIP Conference Proceedings 1857 (1), 020014 | 2017 | G Daniarsyad, I Suardi | Scopus International Conference | |
127 | Focal mechanism of the August 18th 2012 Mw6.3 Palu-Koro earthquake and its implication of seismic hazard | AIP Conference Proceedings 1857 (1), 050003 | 2017 | F Khairina, W Chen, S Wei, I Suardi | Scopus International Conference | |
128 | GEOSTAT application design for rapid determination of MATLAB-based earthquake risk level | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 989 (1), 012008 | 2022 | T Bakhtiar, I Suardi | Scopus International Conference | |
129 | Slip distribution effect in spatial coulomb stress analysis (Case study: Palu earthquake on September 28, 2018) | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 873 (1), 012033 | 2021 | KHC Wulur, I Suardi, SPD Sriyanto, YH Perdana | Scopus International Conference | |
130 | Analysis of Source Mechanism and Coulomb Stress Change (Case Study: Molucca Sea Earthquakes November 15th, 2014 and November 14th, 2019) | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 873 (1), 012029 | 2021 | IJ Purba, I Suardi, G Daniarsyad, D Lasmita | Scopus International Conference | |
131 | Rainfall threshold and soil moisture indexes for the initiation of landslide in Banjarmangu sub-district, central Java, Indonesia | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 243(1), 012028 | 2019 | A M Irawan, R H Virgianto, A Safril, Munawar, S T Gustono2 and N D Putranto | Scopus International Conference | |
132 | Enhancing Extreme Weather Early Warning Systems in Upper Bekasi River Basin Through Coupled Hydro-meteorological Model | E3S Web of Conferences 249, 03013 | 2021 | N Mawardi, C Asdak, R Hernandi Virgianto | Scopus International Conference | |
133 | Examining optimum prediction time of rainfall dynamics based on chaotic perspective at different temporal scales: a case study in Bojonegoro, Indonesia | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 893 (1), 012024 | 2021 | AM Hidayat, U Efendi, RH Virgianto, HA Nugroho | Scopus International Conference | |
134 | Utilization of remote sensing data for mapping the effect of Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in Sumatra Island | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 893 (1), 012062 | 2021 | L Agustina, RH Virgianto, AN Fitrianto | Scopus International Conference | |
135 | The Impact of Climate Change on Cooling Energy Demand in Indonesia Based on Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) Scenarios | Science and Technology Indonesia 7 (1), 9-16 | 2022 | DPO Veanti, RH Virgianto, IGAPP Astiduari | Scopus International Conference | |
136 | Study of atmosphere dynamics in the event of very heavy rain causing flood in Supadio International Airport Pontianak using WRF-ARW Model and Himawari-8 Satellite Imagery (Case study: November 11, 2017) | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020, 561(1), 012032 | 2020 | Ayasha, N., Ryan, M., Fadlan, A. | Scopus International Conference | |
137 | Utilization of surface meteorological data, Himawari-8 satellite data, and radar data to analyze landspout in Sumenep, East Java, Indonesia (case study of 20 November 2017) | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 374(1), 012038 | 2019 | Yudistira, R.D., Mahubessy, R., Krisnawan, G.D., …Fadlan, A., Wardoyo, E. | Scopus International Conference | |
138 | Aqua MODIS and altimetry satellite data utilization for determining the effective time and area of fishing in South Sulawesi | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 280(1), 012040 | 2019 | Islami, M.F., Rejeki, H.A., Fadlan, A. | Scopus International Conference | |
139 | Analysis of atmospheric haze in an urban area | AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018, 2021, 030011 | 2018 | Fajarianti, R., Imami, A.F.R., Fadlan, A. | Scopus International Conference | |
140 | Chlorophyll-A variability in the southern coast of Java Island, Indian Ocean: Corresponding to the tropical cyclone of Ernie | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 162(1), 012035 | 2018 | Efendi, U., Fadlan, A., Hidayat, A.M. | Scopus International Conference | |
141 | Influence of ENSO and IOD to Variability of Sea Surface Height in the North and South of Java Island | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2017, 55(1), 012021 | 2017 | Fadlan, A., Sugianto, D.N., Kunarso,, Zainuri, M. | Scopus International Conference | |
142 | Study of atmosphere dynamics in the event of very heavy rain causing flood in Supadio International Airport Pontianak using WRF-ARW Model and Himawari-8 Satellite Imagery (Case study: November 11, 2017) | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 561 (1), 012032 | 2020 | N Ayasha, M Ryan, A Fadlan | Scopus International Conference | |
143 | Utilization of surface meteorological data, Himawari-8 satellite data, and radar data to analyze landspout in Sumenep, East Java, Indonesia (case study of 20 November 2017) | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 374 (1), 012038 | 2019 | RD Yudistira, R Mahubessy, GD Krisnawan, GG Wisnawa, … | Scopus International Conference | |
144 | Analysis of atmospheric haze in an urban area | AIP Conference Proceedings 2021 (1), 030011 | 2018 | R Fajarianti, AFR Imami, A Fadlan | Scopus International Conference | |
145 | Forecast of Tropical Cyclone Occurrences based on Fuzzy Logic Algorithm | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 303(1), 012044 | 2019 | Irawan, A.M., Nugroho, H.A., Simanjuntak, P.P., Sugiarto, S.I. | Scopus International Conference | |
146 | Relative gravimeter prototype based on micro electro mechanical system | Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, 997(1), 012050 | 2018 | Rozy, A.S.A., Nugroho, H.A., Yusuf, M. | Scopus International Conference | |
147 | Relative gravimeter prototype based on micro electro mechanical system | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 997 (1), 012050 | 2018 | ASA Rozy, HA Nugroho, M Yusuf | Scopus International Conference | |
148 | Examining optimum prediction time of rainfall dynamics based on chaotic perspective at different temporal scales: a case study in Bojonegoro, Indonesia | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 893 (1), 012024 | 2021 | AM Hidayat, U Efendi, RH Virgianto, HA Nugroho | Scopus International Conference | |
149 | Forecast of Tropical Cyclone Occurrences based on Fuzzy Logic Algorithm | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 303(1), 012044 | 2019 | Irawan, A.M., Nugroho, H.A., Simanjuntak, P.P., Sugiarto, S.I. | Scopus International Conference | |
150 | Rainfall threshold and soil moisture indexes for the initiation of landslide in Banjarmangu sub-district, central Java, Indonesia | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 243(1), 012028 | 2019 | A M Irawan, R H Virgianto, A Safril, Munawar, S T Gustono2 and N D Putranto | Scopus International Conference | |
151 | Analysis of variability and projection of extreme rainfall in West Java | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 893 (1), 012012 | 2021 | RCH Hutauruk, T Amin, AM Irawan | Scopus International Conference | |
152 | Rainfall variability study in kalimantan as an impact of climate change and el nino | AIP Conference Proceedings, 2021, 2320, 040002 | 2021 | Safril, A. | Scopus International Conference | |
153 | Monthly Rainfall Prediction Using Statistical Downscaling with Combination of Grid Boxes and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy and Inference System in Lombok | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, 676(1), 012009 | 2019 | Safril, A., Ulfiana, A. | Scopus International Conference | |
154 | Rice plantation projection based on scenario representative concentration pathways (RCP) 4.5 in West Java Province | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 303(1), 012021 | 2019 | Hidayat, N.M., Agustina, L., Wibawanty, D.R., Safril, A. | Scopus International Conference | |
155 | Rainfall threshold and soil moisture indexes for the initiation of landslide in Banjarmangu sub-district, central Java, Indonesia | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 243(1), 012028 | 2019 | A M Irawan, R H Virgianto, A Safril, Munawar, S T Gustono2 and N D Putranto | Scopus International Conference | |
156 | Analysis of changes in daily temperature and precipitation extreme in Jakarta on period of 1986-2014 | MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018, 229, 02017 | 2018 | Khoir, A.N., Mamlu’Atur, R., Safril, A., Fadholi, A. | Scopus International Conference | |
157 | The influence of strong El Niño to seasonal variability in Sumatera | AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018, 1987, 020029 | 2018 | Khoir, A.N., Yuni, D., Atikah, R.N., Safril, A. | Scopus International Conference | |
158 | The Determination of Rainfall Threshold Triggering Landslides Using Remote Sensing | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 893 (1), 012011 | 2021 | L Agustina, A Safril | Scopus International Conference | |
159 | Contribution of urban heat island on landscape composition and its impact to the land surface temperature (case study on Palembang City-Indonesia) | Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020, 1434(1), 012013 | 2020 | Gaol, A.L., Serhalawan, Y.R., Kristianto, A. | Scopus International Conference | |
160 | Identification of atmospheric dynamic condition during heavy rainfall in Banjarnegara Indonesia using WRF-ARW model: Case 18 June 2016 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020, 1434(1), 012005 | 2020 | Putri, A.R., Kristianto, A. | Scopus International Conference | |
161 | Early warning of heavy rainfall event using time-lagged ensemble prediction system (case study February 15th 2019) | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 893 (1), 012027 | 2021 | HN Rahmadini, U Efendi, A Rifani, A Kristianto | Scopus International Conference | |
162 | Identification of Slip Distribution Mw8.1 Biak Earthquake on February 17, 1996 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1805(1), 012017 | 2021 | Arimuko, A., Ariyanto, P., Gustono, S.T., Suardi, I. | Scopus International Conference | |
163 | Study of Crustal Structure Beneath Station Banjarnegara Indonesia (BJI) Based on Receiver Function Analysis | Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1805(1), 012018 | 2021 | Ariyanto, P., Rosid, S., Syuhada,, Januarti, Y. | Scopus International Conference | |
164 | Identification of Moho Discontinuity Depth Variations and Subduction Slab in North Sumatra Region Using Receiver Function Method | Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020, 1491(1), 012052 | 2020 | Pratama, R., Ariyanto, P., Wijaya, A., Ariwibowo, S. | Scopus International Conference | |
165 | Crustal Structure Beneath KLNI Station in Lombok Island Based on Teleseismic Receiver Function | Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020, 1491(1), 012055 | 2020 | Ariyanto, P., Ariwibowo, S., Wijaya, A., Pratama, R. | Scopus International Conference | |
166 | Crustal structure in the southern part of Central Java based on analysis of tele-seismic receiver function using a neighbourhood algorithm | Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, 985(1), 012018 | 2018 | Ariyanto, P., Syuhada,, Rosid, S., Anggono, T., Januarti, Y. | Scopus International Conference | |
167 | A comparison of tele-seismic receiver function in the different geological units in Central Java | EAGE-HAGI 1st Asia Pacific Meeting on Near Surface Geoscience and Engineering, 2018 | 2018 | Ariyanto, P., Rosid, M.S., Syuhada,, Januarti, Y. | Scopus International Conference | |
168 | Comparison Study of Crustal Structure in Aceh Region based on Volcanic Arc System using Receiver Function Method | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2110 (1), 012003 | 2021 | RI Mahardiana, P Ariyanto, B Pranata, BS Prayitno | Scopus International Conference | |
169 | Crustal Structure Study in Lampung Region Using Teleseismic Receiver Function Analysis | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2110 (1), 012002 | 2021 | AR Puhi, P Ariyanto, B Pranata, BS Prayitno | Scopus International Conference | |
170 | Identification of Crustal Thickness in Central Part of Sumatra Using Teleseismic Receiver Function Method | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2110 (1), 012001 | 2021 | P Ariyanto, MD Atthonthowi, B Pranata, BS Prayitno | Scopus International Conference | |
171 | Sea Surface Temperature (SST) analysis during ElNio-LaNia in the Java Sea | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021, 716(1), 012006 | 2021 | Haryanto, Y.D., Riama, N.F., Agdialta, R., Hartoko, A. | Scopus International Conference | – |
172 | The Effect of the Difference in Intensity and Track of Tropical Cyclone on Significant Wave Height and Wave Direction in the Southeast Indian Ocean | Scientific World Journal, 2021, 2021, 5492048 | 2021 | Haryanto, Y.D., Riama, N.F., Purnama, D.R., Sigalingging, A.D. | Scopus International Conference | |
173 | Analysis of daily wind circulation toward sea level rise in Semarang | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 162(1), 012018 | 2018 | Fitrianti, N., Haryanto, Y.D., Simamora, E.V.S., …Anggoro, S., Zainuri, M. | Scopus International Conference | |
174 | MJO (Madden-Julian Oscillation) Analysis of the Chlorophyll- A Distribution in Western Waters Bengkulu | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2017, 55(1), 012061 | 2017 | Haryanto, Y.D., Fitrianti, N., Hartoko, A., Anggoro, S., Zainuri, M. | Scopus International Conference | |
175 | Study on the potential of oscillating water column–Ocean wave power plant in 3T (Underdeveloped, Frontmost, and Outermost) regions in Indonesia as a new renewable energy | AIP Conference Proceedings 2534, 020009 (2022); | 2022 | Gabriel Andersen Mathias Putra Sirait, Latifah Nurul Qomariyatuzzamzami, Nelly Florida Riama, Yosafat Donni Haryanto | Scopus International Conference | |
176 | Identification of the effect of the Asia-Australian monsoon on the variability of ITF’S transport value in the Flores Sea | AIP Conference Proceedings 2534, 030007 (2022); | 2022 | Tri Wahyu Khairul Wathani, Yosafat Donni Haryanto, Nelly Florida Riama | Scopus International Conference | |
177 | Indonesian Earth’s Lithospheric Magnetic Field modelling using Spherical Cap Harmonic Analysis Method | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 873, 012030 | 2021 | Ilham, M Syirojudin, R Margiono, A Marsono, N Ardiana | Scopus International Conference | |
178 | Measurements of Earthquake Moment Magnitude (Mw) to Estimate Detonation Energy of a Nuclear Bomb as Plutonium-240 | Journal of Physics: Conference Seriesthis link is disabled, 2020, 1491(1), 012034 | 2020 | Arimuko, A., Sujarwanto, E., Marsono, A. | Scopus International Conference | |
179 | Rapid magnitude estimation usingτC method for earthquake early warning system (case study in Sumatra) | AIP Conference Proceedingsthis link is disabled, 2017, 1857, 4987059 | 2017 | Rahman, A., Marsono, A., Rudyanto, A. | Scopus International Conference | |
180 | Filter design of eight order butterworth infinite impulse response for earthquake sign | AIP Conference Proceedingsthis link is disabled, 2017, 1857, 4987058 | 2017 | Perdanaa, Y.H., Marsono, A. | Scopus International Conference | |
181 | Determination of the earthquake source parameters using W-Phase inversion method and its uses for tsunami modelling | AIP Conference Proceedingsthis link is disabled, 2017, 1857, 4987105 | 2017 | Kesumastuti, L., Marsono, A., Yatimantoro, T., Pribadi, S. | Scopus International Conference | |
182 | Rainfall threshold and soil moisture indexes for the initiation of landslide in Banjarmangu sub-district, central Java, Indonesia | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 243(1), 012028 | 2019 | A M Irawan, R H Virgianto, A Safril, Munawar, S T Gustono2 and N D Putranto | Scopus International Conference | |
183 | The Impact of Climate Change on Cooling Energy Demand in Indonesia Based on Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) Scenarios | Science and Technology Indonesia 7 (1), 9-16 | 2022 | DPO Veanti, RH Virgianto, IGAPP Astiduari | Scopus International Conference | |
184 | The change in forest fire danger and burnt area related to the change in meteorological forcing variability | AIP Conference Proceedings 1987 (1), 020008 | 2018 | DPO Veanti, S Kloster | Scopus International Conference | |
185 | Weather variation and accuracy of weather prediction during dry season 2021 in the Jabotabek using voluntary weather observation based on social media | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 1030 | 2022 | Giarno, Munawar, E Ferdiansyah, F Arifianto, A Pratiwi | Scopus International Conference | |
186 | Aqua MODIS and altimetry satellite data utilization for determining the effective time and area of fishing in South Sulawesi | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 280(1), 012040 | 2019 | Islami, M.F., Rejeki, H.A., Fadlan, A. | Scopus International Conference | |
187 | The activity of Borneo Vortex as a trigger for extreme rain in West Borneo (case study: 24th – 25th January 2017) | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 303(1), 012061 | 2019 | Isnoor, K.F.N., Firdianto, P.U., Rejeki, H.A. | Scopus International Conference | |
188 | Interannual variability of sea surface height difference between western Pacific Ocean and eastern Indian Ocean and its effect to geostrophic current in Lombok Strait | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018, 162(1), 012016 | 2018 | Rejeki, H.A., Kunarso,, Munasik, | Scopus International Conference | |
189 | The effect of ENSO to the variability of sea surface height in western Pacific Ocean and eastern Indian Ocean and its connectivity to the Indonesia Throughflow (ITF) | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2017, 55(1), 012066 | 2017 | Rejeki, H.A., Munasik,, Kunarso, | Scopus International Conference | |
190 | DINEOF reconstruction for creating long-term cloud-free sea surface temperature data records: A Case study in Lombok Strait, Indonesia | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 893 (1), 012069 | 2021 | YO Andrawina, RA Kismawardhani, HA Rejeki | Scopus International Conference | |
191 | Legal analysis of citizen lawsuit toward management of the 2006 Yogyakarta earthquake | AIP Conference Proceedings 1857 (1), 110002 | 2017 | B Suprihadi | Scopus International Conference | |
192 | Relocation of the 2010-2013 near the north coast of Papua earthquake sequence using Modified Joint Hypocenter Determination (MJHD) method | AIP Conf. Proc. 1658, 030023 | 2015 | D Salomo, Daryono, H Subakti | Scopus International Conference | |
193 | The characteristics of body-wave records between forearc and backarc region at the Sumatra subduction zone from deep regional earthquakes | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021, 674(1), 012035 | 2021 | Haridhi, H.A., Sianipar, D. | Scopus International Conference | |
194 | Revisiting the 2018 Kalibening Earthquake Sequence in Central Java: Call for the Revision of Earthquake Hazard | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 273(1), 012018 | 2019 | Sipayung, R., Sianipar, D., Prayoedhie, S., …Putranto, N., Azimi, A. | Scopus International Conference | |
195 | Relocation of the February 2016 Mt. Pandan earthquake sequence using double difference with waveform cross correlation | AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018, 1987, 020036 | 2018 | Sipayung, R., Alhafiz, M.R., Agus, R., Sianipar, D. | Scopus International Conference | |
196 | Local seismicity pattern around Mt. Pandan, East Java according to February 2016 earthquake swarms activity | AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018, 1987, 020034 | 2018 | Agus, R., Suardi, I., Sipayung, R., Sianipar, D. | Scopus International Conference | |
197 | The connection of coloumb stresses and aftershock imparted by the 18 August 2012 Mw 6.3 Palu-Koro earthquake | AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018, 1987, 020037 | 2018 | Sipayung, R., Ulfiana, E., Sianipar, D. | Scopus International Conference | |
198 | Detailed seismotectonic analysis of Sumatra subduction zone revealed by high precision earthquake location | AIP Conference Proceedings 1857 (1), 020015 | 2017 | RA Sagala, PJP Harjadi, N Heryandoko, D Sianipar | Scopus International Conference | |
199 | The January 25th, 2014 Kebumen earthquake: A normal faulting in subduction zone of Southern Java | AIP Conference Proceedings 1857 (1), 030002 | 2017 | YR Serhalawan, D Sianipar, I Suardi | Scopus International Conference | |
200 | Episodic tremor and slip in Northern Sumatra subduction zone | AIP Conference Proceedings 1857 (1), 020012 | 2017 | D Sianipar, H Subakti | Scopus International Conference | |
201 | Dynamic triggering of seismic activity in Halmahera, Indonesia induced by 2016 Mw 7.7 solomon earthquake | AIP Conference Proceedings 1987 (1), 020035 | 2018 | R Sipayung, S Pribadi, D Sianipar | Scopus International Conference | |
202 | Detection of July 2015 Purworejo earthquake sequence using waveform matched filter technique | AIP Conference Proceedings 1857 (1), 020010 | 2017 | D Sianipar, Daryono | Scopus International Conference | |
203 | The source mechanism analysis of significant local earthquake Mw 5.6 January 16, 2017 near Mt. Sibayak and Mt. Sinabung using moment tensor inversion of BMKG waveform data | AIP Conference Proceedings 1987 (1), 020078 | 2018 | RA Prasetyo, N Heryandoko, DSJ Sianipar, I Suardi, S Rohadi | Scopus International Conference | |
204 | Earthquake risk assessment of the Opak and Merapi-Merbabu active faults to support mitigation program in Yogyakarta province and its vicinity | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 851 (1), 012001 | 2021 | J Murjaya, S Pramumijoyo, D Karnawati, I Meilano, P Supendi, S Ahadi, … | Scopus International Conference | |
205 | Body wave dispersion characteristics of regional deep earthquake at Southern Ryukyus subduction zone | E3S Web of Conferences 339, 02012 | 2022 | HA Haridhi, BS Huang, D Sianipar, S Purnawan, I Setiawan | Scopus International Conference | |
206 | Current state of the seismic broadband network of Indonesia: Is it possible for the early warning system from a subaerial source-induced tsunami? | E3S Web of Conferences 340, 01016 | 2022 | HA Haridhi, D Sianipar, S Purnawan, I Setiawan, BS Huang | Scopus International Conference | |
207 | Preliminary result of P-wave speed tomography beneath North Sumatera region | AIP Conference Proceedings, 2015, 1658, 030018 | 2015 | Jatnika, J., Nugraha, A.D., Wandono, | Scopus International Conference | |
208 | Preliminary result of teleseismic double-difference relocation of earthquakes in the Molucca collision zone with a 3D velocity model | AIP Conference Proceedings, 2015, 1658, 030011 | 2015 | Shiddiqi, H.A., Widiyantoro, S., Nugraha, A.D., …Handayani, T., Nugroho, H | Scopus International Conference | |
209 | Preliminary results of teleseismic double-difference relocation of earthquakes around Indonesian archipelago region | AIP Conference Proceedings, 2015, 1658, 030002 | 2015 | Nugraha, A.D., Shiddiqi, H.A., Widiyantoro, S., …Handayani, T., Nugroho, H. | Scopus International Conference | |
210 | Analysis of Mw 7.2 2014 Molucca Sea earthquake and its aftershocks | AIP Conference Proceedings 1730 (1), 020010 | 2016 | Hasbi Ash Shiddiqi, Sri Widiyantoro, Andri Dian Nugraha, Mohamad Ramdhan, Samsul Hadi Wiyono, Wandono Wandono | Scopus International Conference | |
211 | The Utilization of GGMplus Data Using Derivative Method and 3D Modeling of Subsurface Structure for Trienggadeng Fault Identification in Pidie Jaya, Aceh Region | Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1805(1), 012037 | 2021 | Akhadi, M., Harahap, D., Subakti, H., Wandono, | Scopus International Conference | |
212 | Hypocenter Determination Using a Non-Linear Method for Events in West Java, Indonesia: A Preliminary Result | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2017, 62(1), 012052 | 2017 | Rosalia, S., Widiyantoro, S., Dian Nugraha, A., …Supendi, P., Wandono, | Scopus International Conference | |
213 | Hypocenter Relocation of Earthquake Swarm in West Halmahera, North Molucca Region, Indonesia by using Double-Difference Method and 3D Seismic Velocity Structure | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2017, 62(1), 012053 | 2017 | Dian Nugraha, A., Ash Shiddiqi, H., Widiyantoro, S., …Wandono,, Rosalia, S. | Scopus International Conference | |
214 | Precise Hypocenter Determination around Palu Koro Fault: A Preliminary Results | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2017, 62(1), 012056 | 2017 | Muhammad Fawzy Ismullah, M., Dian Nugraha, A., Ramdhan, M., Wandono, | Scopus International Conference | |
215 | Analysis of rupture area of aftershocks caused by twin earthquakes (Case study: 11 April 2012 earthquakes of Aceh-North Sumatra) | AIP Conference Proceedings, 2015, 1658, 030015 | 2015 | Diansari, A.V., Purwana, I., Subakti, H. | Scopus International Conference | |
216 | Relocation of the 2010-2013 near the north coast of Papua earthquake sequence using Modified Joint Hypocenter Determination (MJHD) method | AIP Conference Proceedings, 2015, 1658, 030023 | 2015 | Salomo, D., Daryono,, Subakti, H. | Scopus International Conference | |
217 | Identification of Baribis fault – West Java using second vertical derivative method of gravity | AIP Conference Proceedings, 2015, 1658, 030016 | 2015 | Sari, E.P., Subakti, H. | Scopus International Conference | |
218 | Establishment of earthquake information and tsunami warning system in Indonesia | Bulletin of the International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 2007, 41, pp. 55–61 | 2007 | Subakti, H. | Scopus International Conference | – |
219 | Identification of anomalies of ultra low frequency (ULF) emission and total electron content (TEC) as earthquake precursor in Moluccas sea region | AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018, 1987, 020075 | 2018 | Azimi, A., Subakti, H. | Scopus International Conference | |
220 | Identification of ionospheric GPS TEC anomalies prior to earthquake in Sumatra between 2007-2012 using correlation technique | AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017, 1857, 4987071 | 2017 | Vita, A.N., Putra, S.Y.S., Subakti, H., Muslim, B. | Scopus International Conference | |
221 | Episodic tremor and slip in Northern Sumatra subduction zone | AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017, 1857, 4987054 | 2017 | Sianipar, D., Subakti, H. | Scopus International Conference | |
222 | Real-time landslide early warning system based on fuzzy ad hoc data covering methods using empirically-based model | International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, 2020, 18(2), pp. 74–100 | 2020 | Irawan, A.M., Nugroho, H.A., Purbo, O.W., …Munawar,, Mahmudiah, R.R. | Scopus International Conference | |
223 | Rainfall threshold and soil moisture indexes for the initiation of landslide in Banjarmangu sub-district, central Java, Indonesia | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 243(1), 012028 | 2019 | Irawan, A.M., Virgianto, R.H., Safril, A., …Gustono, S.T., Putranto, N.D. | Scopus International Conference | |
224 | Weather variation and accuracy of weather prediction during dry season 2021 in the Jabotabek using voluntary weather observation based on social media | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 1030 | 2022 | Giarno, Munawar, E Ferdiansyah, F Arifianto, A Pratiwi | Scopus International Conference | |
225 | Rainfall threshold and soil moisture indexes for the initiation of landslide in Banjarmangu sub-district, central Java, Indonesia | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 243(1), 012028 | 2019 | A M Irawan, R H Virgianto, A Safril, Munawar, S T Gustono2 and N D Putranto | Scopus International Conference | |
226 | The Utilization of GGMplus Data Using Derivative Method and 3D Modeling of Subsurface Structure for Trienggadeng Fault Identification in Pidie Jaya, Aceh Region | Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1805(1), 012037 | 2021 | Akhadi, M., Harahap, D., Subakti, H., Wandono, | Scopus International Conference | |
227 | Analysis of Mesoscale Convective Complex during Madden Julian Oscillation Phase 4 (Case Study: Heavy rain in Cilacap on Sept 16-17, 2016) | IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 303 (2019) 012063 | 2019 | L F Aiqiu, A Zakir and Trismidianto | Scopus International Conference | |
228 | Weather variation and accuracy of weather prediction during dry season 2021 in the Jabotabek using voluntary weather observation based on social media | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 1030 | 2022 | Giarno, Munawar, E Ferdiansyah, F Arifianto, A Pratiwi | Scopus International Conference | |
229 | Effect of different microphysics scheme on WRF model: A simulation of hail event study case in Surabaya, Indonesia | AIP Conference Proceedings 1987 (1), 020002 | 2018 | FP Sari, AP Baskoro, OS Hakim | Scopus International Conference | |
230 | Sea-level prediction for early warning information of coastal inundation in Belawan coastal area using Delft3D model | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 893 (1), 012034 | 2021 | AMN Jaya, FP Sari, IJA Saragih, I Dafitra | Scopus International Conference | |
231 | Four-dimensional variational (4DVAR) performance test with assimilation satellite and radar data (case study of a heavy rainfall Bengkulu March 4, 2019) | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 893 (1), 012031 | 2021 | FP Sari | Scopus International Conference | |
232 | Spatial fraction verification of high resolution model | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 893 (1), 012036 | 2021 | IMK Tirtanegara, FP Sari | Scopus International Conference | |
233 | WRF-model sensitivity test and assimilation studies of Cempaka tropical cyclone | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 893 (1), 012029 | 2021 | FR Sadarang, FP Sari | Scopus International Conference | |
234 | Daily quantitative precipitation estimates use weather radar reflectivity in South Sulawesi | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 256 | 2019 | Giarno, Hadi, M. P., Suprayogi, S. & Murti, S. H. | Scopus International Conference | |
235 | Influence Rainy and Dry Season to Daily Rainfall Interpolation in Complex Terrain of Sulawesi. | In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/469/1/012003. | 2020 | Giarno, G., Didiharyono, D., Fisu, A. A., & Mattingaragau, A. | Scopus International Conference | |
236 | Weather variation and accuracy of weather prediction during dry season 2021 in the Jabotabek using voluntary weather observation based on social media | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 1030 | 2022 | Giarno, Munawar, E Ferdiansyah, F Arifianto, A Pratiwi | Scopus International Conference | |
237 | Study on the potential of oscillating water column–Ocean wave power plant in 3T (Underdeveloped, Frontmost, and Outermost) regions in Indonesia as a new renewable energy | AIP Conference Proceedings 2534, 020009 (2022); | 2022 | Gabriel Andersen Mathias Putra Sirait, Latifah Nurul Qomariyatuzzamzami, Nelly Florida Riama, Yosafat Donni Haryanto | Scopus International Conference | |
238 | Satellite radiance data assimilation for rainfall prediction in Java Region | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 54 (1), 012037 | 2017 | N Sagita, R Hidayati, R Hidayat, I Gustari | Scopus International Conference | |
239 | The Use of Laser Precipitation Monitor (LPM) of Disdrometer and Weather Radar to Determine the Microphysics Characteristics of Extreme Rainfall in Jakarta.(Jakarta Flood Case | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 893 (1), 012017 | 2021 | I Putra, A Sopaheluwakan, BP Adi, KA Sudama, J Rizal, E Heriyanto | Scopus International Conference | |
240 | Impacts of the MJO on Rainfall at Different Seasons in Indonesia | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 893 (1), 012070 | 2021 | DS Permana | Scopus International Conference | |
241 | Analysis of Multi-Scale Hydrometeorological Triggering Flash Flood Event of the 13 July 2020 in North Luwu, South Sulawesi | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 893 (1), 012014 | 2021 | JAI Paski, EES Makmur, DS Permana, MH Nurrahmat, AS Praja | Scopus International Conference | |
242 | Developing models to establish seasonal forest fire early warning system | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 909 (1), 012005 | 2021 | DE Nuryanto, RP Pradana, I Putra, E Heriyanto, UA Linarka | Scopus International Conference | |
243 | Evaluation of different WRF microphysics schemes: a case study of landslide induced by heavy rainfall in Kulon Progo | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 874 (1), 012009 | 2021 | DS Permana, DE Nuryanto, R Satyaningsih, JAI Paski, KE Komalasari | Scopus International Conference | |
244 | A multiscale analysis of the extreme rainfall triggering flood and landslide events over Bengkulu on 27th April 2019 | AIP Conference Proceedings 2320 (1), 040019 | 2021 | JAI Paski, DS Permana, N Alfuadi, MF Handoyo, MH Nurrahmat | Scopus International Conference | |
245 | Projected extreme climate indices in the java island using cmip5 models | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 363 (1), 012022 | 2019 | I Putra, MS Rosid, A Sopaheluwakan, YC Ulina, H Harsa, DS Permana | Scopus International Conference | |
246 | Simulation of land-sea breeze effect on the diurnal cycle of convective activity in the eastern coast of north sumatra using WRF model | 2019 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Geoscience, Electronics and Remote | 2019 | JAI Paski, IJA Saragih, DS Permana, MI Hastuti, A Kristianto, EES Makmur | Scopus International Conference | |
247 | The Indonesia in-house radar integration system (InaRAISE) of Indonesian agency for meteorology climatology and geophysics (BMKG): development, constraint, and progress | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 303 (1), 012051 | 2019 | DS Permana, TD Hutapea, AS Praja, JAI Paski, EES Makmur, U Haryoko | Scopus International Conference | |
248 | Interaction of MJO and diurnal cycle observed by radiosonde data during the first YMC campaign in Bengkulu (November 2017-January 2018) | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 303 (1), 012058 | 2019 | DS Permana, TD Hutapea, JAI Paski, AS Praja, H Harsa, DE Nuryanto | Scopus International Conference | |
249 | Application of C-band Doppler Weather Radar (CDR) for Detecting Volcanic Ash Dispersion of Sinabung Eruption 19 February 2018 | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 273 (1), 012019 | 2019 | I Irwandi, Y Ilhamsyah, DS Permana, MP Haloho, B Prasetyo, IN Dana | Scopus International Conference | |
250 | Using the c-band doppler weather radar data to reconstruct extreme rainfall event on 11th March 2018 in Bangka Island, Indonesia | MATEC Web of Conferences 229, 04013 | 2018 | JAI Paski, DS Permana | Scopus International Conference | |
251 | Application of Consecutive Dry Days (CDD) Multi-Model Ensemble (MME) Prediction to Support Agricultural Sector in South Sulawesi Rice Production Centers | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Sciencethis link is disabled, 2021, 893(1), 012081 | 2021 | Setiawan, A.M., Koesmaryono, Y., Faqih, A., Gunawan, D. | Scopus International Conference | |
252 | The skill assessment of ENSO prediction issued by JMA ensemble prediction system and CFSv2 | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Sciencethis link is disabled, 2021, 893(1), 012047 | 2021 | Rahmat, R., Setiawan, A.M., Supari | Scopus International Conference | |
253 | High-Resolution North Sulawesi Drought Hazzard Mapping Based on Consecutive Dry Days (CDD) | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Sciencethis link is disabled, 2021, 893(1), 012018 | 2021 | Setiawan, A.M., Syafrianno, A.A., Rahmat, R., Supari | Scopus International Conference | |
254 | Assessing coral reefs condition for rehabilitation site selection using diver-towed survey in an island of Anambas Islands | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Sciencethis link is disabled, 2020, 429(1), 012011 | 2020 | Arafat, D., Affandy, A., Subhan, B., …Muhammad, F., Hashri, M.S. | Scopus International Conference | |
255 | The impact of land used changes on mangrove forest and shoreline dynamic in Muara Gembong, Bekasi, West Java | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Sciencethis link is disabled, 2019, 241(1), 012018 | 2019 | Nugraha, R.B.A., Syaharani, L., Iska, R., …Setiawan, A., Fajar, P. | Scopus International Conference | |
256 | North American Multi Model Ensemble (NMME) Performance of Monthly Precipitation Forecast over South Sulawesi, Indonesia | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Sciencethis link is disabled, 2017, 58(1), 012035 | 2017 | Setiawan, A.M., Koesmaryono, Y., Faqih, A., Gunawan, D. | Scopus International Conference | |
257 | Observed and blended gauge-satellite precipitation estimates perspective on meteorological drought intensity over South Sulawesi, Indonesia | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Sciencethis link is disabled, 2017, 54(1), 012040 | 2017 | Setiawan, A.M., Koesmaryono, Y., Faqih, A., Gunawan, D. | Scopus International Conference | |
258 | Land cover changes impact on 1st between 1990-2005-2020 in Bandar Lampung City, Indonesia | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 986 (1), 012048 | 2022 | T Pramudiyasari, A Wibowo, PA Suko | Scopus International Conference | |
259 | Bandung seismic experiment: Towards tomographic imaging by using ambient seismic noise | AIP Conference Proceedingsthis link is disabled, 2016, 1730, 020014 | 2016 | Pranata, B., Yudistira, T., Saygin, E., …Zulfakriza, Nugraha, A.D. | Scopus International Conference | |
260 | Seismic microzonation of Bandung basin from microtremor horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios (HVSR) | AIP Conference Proceedingsthis link is disabled, 2018, 1987, 020004 | 2018 | Pranata, B., Yudistira, T., Saygin, E., …Brahmantyo, B., Zulfakriza | Scopus International Conference | |
261 | Phylogeny of the spiny lobster Panulirus versicolor in Cenderawasih Bay, Papua, Indonesia | AACL Biofluxthis link is disabled, 2018, 11(4), pp. 1015–1024 | 2018 | Pranata, B., Fadjar, M., Iranawati, F., Toha, A.H., Jeni | Scopus International Conference | |
262 | Preliminary Results of Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) Across Lembang Fault, Bandung, Indonesia | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Sciencethis link is disabled, 2019, 273(1), 012020 | 2019 | Zulfakriza, Z., Puspito, N.T., Nugraha, A.D., Pranata, B., Rosalia, S. | Scopus International Conference | |
263 | Crustal structure study in lampung region using teleseismic receiver function analysis | Journal of Physics: Conference Seriesthis link is disabled, 2021, 2110(1), 012002 | 2021 | Puhi, A.R., Ariyanto, P., Pranata, B., Prayitno, B.S. | Scopus International Conference | |
264 | Comparison study of crustal structure in aceh region based on volcanic Arc system using receiver function method | Journal of Physics: Conference Seriesthis link is disabled, 2021, 2110(1), 012003 | 2021 | Mahardiana, R.I., Ariyanto, P., Pranata, B., Prayitno, B.S. | Scopus International Conference | |
265 | Identification of crustal thickness in central part of sumatra using teleseismic receiver function method | Journal of Physics: Conference Seriesthis link is disabled, 2021, 2110(1), 012001 | 2021 | Ariyanto, P., Atthonthowi, M.D., Pranata, B., Prayitno, B.S. | Scopus International Conference | |
266 | Molecular phylogeny of grouper of Epinephelus genus in Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia inferred from Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI) gene | Biodiversitasthis link is disabled, 2022, 23(3), pp. 1449–1456 | 2022 | Dwifajri, S., Tapilatu, R.F., Pranata, B., Kusuma, A.B. | Scopus International Conference | |
267 | Study of seismicity around Toba area based on relocation hypocenter result from BMKG catalogue | AIP Conference Proceedings 1554 (1), 242-244 | 2013 | M Ramdhan, AD Nugraha | Scopus International Conference | |
268 | Preliminary result of teleseismic double-difference relocation of earthquakes in the Molucca collision zone with a 3D velocity model | AIP Conference Proceedings 1658 (1), 030011 | 2015 | HA Shiddiqi, S Widiyantoro, AD Nugraha, M Ramdhan, Wandono, … | Scopus International Conference | |
269 | Preliminary results of teleseismic double-difference relocation of earthquakes around Indonesian archipelago region | AIP Conference Proceedings 1658 (1), 030002 | 2015 | AD Nugraha, HA Shiddiqi, S Widiyantoro, M Ramdhan, Wandono, … | Scopus International Conference | |
270 | Earthquake location determination using data from DOMERAPI and BMKG seismic networks: a preliminary result of DOMERAPI project | AIP Conference Proceedings 1658 (1), 030007 | 2015 | M Ramdhan, AD Nugraha, S Widiyantoro, JP Métaxian, AA Valencia | Scopus International Conference | |
271 | Observation of seismicity based on DOMERAPI and BMKG seismic networks: A preliminary result from DOMERAPI project | AIP Conference Proceedings 1730 (1), 020009 | 2016 | M Ramdhan, AD Nugraha, S Widiyantoro, S Kristyawan, AS Sembiring, … | Scopus International Conference | |
272 | Precise Hypocenter Determination around Palu Koro Fault: a Preliminary Results | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 62 (1), 012056 | 2017 | MMF Ismullah, AD Nugraha, M Ramdhan | Scopus International Conference | |
273 | Seismic travel-time tomography beneath merapi volcano and its surroundings: A preliminary result from DOMERAPI Project | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 62 (1), 012039 | 2017 | M Ramdhan, S Widiyantoro, AD Nugraha, A Saepuloh, JP Métaxian, … | Scopus International Conference | |
274 | S-velocity structure in Cimandiri fault zone derived from neighbourhood inversion of teleseismic receiver functions | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 985 (1), 012013 | 2018 | T Anggono, F Febriani, M Ramdhan | Scopus International Conference | |
275 | Preliminary study results of crustal structure beneath Mount Merapi, Central Java, Indonesia | AIP Conference Proceedings 1987 (1), 020087 | 2018 | SK Suhardja, S Widiyantoro, M Ramdhan, JP Métaxian | Scopus International Conference | |
276 | The Possibly of the November-December 2018 earthquakes caused by hydrothermal in the Mamasa and surrounding areas derived by the earthquake relocation data | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 451 (1), 012012 | 2020 | YH Ali, MS Rosid, M Ramdhan | Scopus International Conference | |
277 | Mapping of active major faults in the Mamasa and surrounding areas using satellite gravity data and topographic features | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 538 (1), 012002 | 2020 | MS Rosid, YH Ali, M Ramdhan | Scopus International Conference | |
278 | Preliminary Results of Double Difference Tomography at Sunda-Banda Arc | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 873 (1), 012067 | 2021 | MI Sulaiman, PT Brilianti, RP Nugroho, I Madrinovella, A Abdullah, … | Scopus International Conference | |
279 | An Attempt to Pick Teleseismic P Wave Arrival Using Envelope and Artificial Neural Network Algorithm | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 873 (1), 012059 | 2021 | RK Lobo, YHL Gaol, DY Fatimah, A Abdullah, DA Zaky, SK Suhardja, … | Scopus International Conference | |
280 | Analysis of M 5.3 Sumbawa, Indonesia earthquake 2020 and its aftershocks based on hypocenter relocation from BMKG seismic stations | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 873 (1), 012070 | 2021 | M Ramdhan, A Mursityanto, KH Palgunadi | Scopus International Conference | |
281 | Early Results of Time Domain Receiver Function Data Processing in Mt Merapi and Mt Merbabu | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 873 (1), 012055 | 2021 | AK Ilahi, MFR Auly, DA Zaky, A Abdullah, RP Nugroho, SK Suhardja, … | Scopus International Conference | |
282 | Early Result for Microtremor Characteristic Observation in Merapi and Merbabu | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 873 (1), 012077 | 2021 | E Fernanda, A Bilqis, L Julio, K Nursal, YH Christ, T Adiansyah, … | Scopus International Conference | |
283 | Comparison of P-Wave Tomography Model in Sunda-Banda Arc by Using Data from BMKG and ISC | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 873 (1), 012058 | 2021 | PT Brilianti, MS Haq, MI Sulaiman, RP Nugroho, ASB Oka, W Pranowo, … | Scopus International Conference | |
284 | Initial Result of P Wave Tomography Model in Sunda-Banda Arc Transition using FMTOMO | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 873 (1), 012057 | 2021 | PT Brilianti, MI Sulaiman, SS Angkasa, S Widyanti, I Herawati, … | Scopus International Conference | |
285 | Early Results of P Wave Regional Tomography Study at Sunda-Banda Arc using BMKG Seismic Network | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 873 (1), 012065 | 2021 | MS Haq, MI Sulaiman, I Madrinovella, S Satiawan, DA Zaky, SK Suhardja, … | Scopus International Conference | |
286 | Seismicity around Cirata Dam, West Java, Indonesia based on BMKG local seismic network | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 873 (1), 012072 | 2021 | M Ramdhan | Scopus International Conference | |
287 | Preliminary Model of P-Wave Tomography Beneath Central Java using FMTOMO | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 873 (1), 012064 | 2021 | M Yasir, PT Brilianti, SS Angkasa, S Widyanti, I Herawati, W Pranowo, … | Scopus International Conference | |
288 | Preliminary Results of Receiver Function Forward Velocity Modelling at Merapi Volcano | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 873 (1), 012056 | 2021 | MFR Auly, AK Ilahi, I Madrinovella, S Widyanti, SK Suhardja, DY Fatimah, … | Scopus International Conference | |
289 | Early Results of Eastern Indonesia P-wave Tomography Study Using Regional Events | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 873 (1), 012068 | 2021 | MI Sulaiman, PA Subakti, DY Fatimah, I Madrinovella, A Abdullah, … | Scopus International Conference | |
290 | Preliminary Results of Regional P and S Wave Tomography at Seram, Indonesia | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 873 (1), 012066 | 2021 | PA Subakti, MI Sulaiman, DY Faimah, I Madrinovella, I Herawati, … | Scopus International Conference | |
291 | Mapping of Tornado Wind Vulnerability using Satellite Data (Study case of Humbang Hasudutan Regency, North Sumatera) | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 982 (1), 012014 | 2020 | Y Darmawan, L Nainggolan, TD Hutapea, EES Makmur, IM Munir | Scopus International Conference | |
292 | Thermal Hotspots Distribution of MODIS Aqua/Terra Satellite in Humbang Hasudutan Regency, Northern Sumatra | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 982 (1), 012013 | 2020 | Y Darmawan, L Nainggolan, TD Hutapea, EES Makmur, IM Munir | Scopus International Conference | |
293 | Machine learning on waveform spectral analysis of nuclear explosion from broadband seismic station in Indonesia | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 420 (1), 012047 | 2018 | M Ula, E Darnila, P Siagian, L Siagian, M Sinambela | Scopus International Conference | |
294 | Waveform analysis of broadband seismic station using machine learning Python based on Morlet wavelet | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 420 (1), 012048 | 2018 | E Darnila, M Ula, K Tarigan, T Limbong, M Sinambela | Scopus International Conference | |
295 | Machine Learning for Waveform Spectral Analysis on Nuclear Explosion Signal and Performance of Broadband Vertical Component | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1120 (1), 012083 | 2018 | K Tarigan, M Sinambela, M Panjaitan, P Simangunsong, HK Siburian | Scopus International Conference | |
296 | The characteristics influence of the seismic signal noise using spectral analysis | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1116 (3), 032041 | 2019 | K Tarigan, M Sinambela, AT Simanullang, H Sunandar, SB Sinaga | Scopus International Conference | |
297 | Simple Designed of High Voltage Pulsed Electric Field Generator Based on Fly-back Transformer | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1230 (1), 012027 | 2019 | NF Saragih, IS Dumayanti, A Situmorang, JF Naibaho, M Sinambela | Scopus International Conference | |
298 | The Probabilistic Power Spectral Densities for Combination of Broadband Seismic Network | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1361 (1), 012004 | 2019 | K Tarigan, B Perangin-angin, K Brahmana, A Manalu, M Sinambela | Scopus International Conference | |
299 | The Power Spectral Density Based on Waveform Analysis for Computing Noise Level | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1361 (1), 012003 | 2019 | T Sylvia, LT Hutabarat, NA Saragih, M Sinambela | Scopus International Conference | |
300 | Influence of Impulse-Electric Field on Dielectric Properties of Nerve Membranes | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1428 (1), 012012 | 2020 | K Tarigan, T Sembiring, B Wirjosento, M Sinambela | Scopus International Conference | |
301 | Machine learning approach to air traffic control skill based on mastery theory of aerodrome control procedures, self-concept and practice drills | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 725 (1), 012012 | 2020 | LT Hutabarat, T Sysvia, M Sinambela | Scopus International Conference | |
302 | Simple designed of charge controller based on microcontroller for caddy cars using solar panels | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 725 (1), 012052 | 2020 | J Margolang, BN Pratama, A Panjaitan, M Sinambela, LT Hutabarat | Scopus International Conference | |
303 | Energy consumption prediction for electric rickshaw based on load variance | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 725 (1), 012053 | 2020 | P Siagian, R Napitupulu, L Sianturi, RP Barus, O Mendrofa, W Siregar, … | Scopus International Conference | |
304 | High voltage designed and pulsed electric field circuit using standard sphere-gap method | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 725 (1), 012059 | 2020 | K Tarigan, B Perangin-Angin, T Tamba, A Manalu, FJ Purba, … | Scopus International Conference | |
305 | Performance of TB health center service officers based on compensation effect, supervision and competence using machine learning technique | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 725 (1), 012085 | 2020 | J Purba, S Bahri, H Khair, E Darnila, M Sinambela | Scopus International Conference | |
306 | Machine learning approach for turbulence forecasting using support vector machine | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 725 (1), 012087 | 2020 | D Anwar, K Sembiring, K Tarigan, M Sinambela, AR Abubar, D Hasibuan | Scopus International Conference | |
307 | Classification of Seismic Signal by Evaluating Broadband Networks Station in Sumatera Fore-Arc | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1485 (1), 012054 | 2020 | M Sinambela, K Tarigan, S Humaidi, M Situmorang | Scopus International Conference | |
308 | Wavelet based machine learning approach for spectral seismic signal analysis: A case study North Tapanuli earthquake | AIP Conference Proceedings 2221 (1), 060001 | 2020 | M Sinambela, K Tarigan, S Humaidi, M Situmorang | Scopus International Conference | |
309 | Integrated high voltage generator with ATmega 328 microcontroller using flyback transformer | AIP Conference Proceedings 2221 (1), 100004 | 2020 | MA Fahril, K Tarigan, S Humaidi, S Sitepu, M Sinambela | Scopus International Conference | |
310 | Prediction of relative humidity based on long short-term memory network | AIP Conference Proceedings 2221 (1), 060003 | 2020 | MI Hutapea, YY Pratiwi, IM Sarkis, IK Jaya, M Sinambela | Scopus International Conference | |
311 | Seismic micro-zonation framework for earthquake risk in Medan-North Sumatera Indonesia using geotechnical engineering survey | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 851 (1), 012043 | 2020 | T Rahayu, MB Mulya, AR Ainun, M Sinambela | Scopus International Conference | |
312 | Time frequency signal classification using continuous wavelet transformation | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 851 (1), 012045 | 2020 | H Sirait, K Sebayang, S Humaidi, T Sembiring, K Tarigan, K Sembiring, … | Scopus International Conference | |
313 | Simulation of atmospheric dynamics during heavy rain events on Nias Island using WRF model and Himawari-8 satellite data | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2019 (1), 012099 | 2021 | R Siburian, IJA Saragih, M Situmorang, K Tarigan, K Sembiring, … | Scopus International Conference | |
314 | Utilization of Red-Green-Blue (RGB) modification composite for nighttime convective cloud monitoring over North Sumatra region | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 893 (1), 012019 | 2021 | IJA Saragih, K Tarigan, M Sinambela, M Situmorang, K Sembiring, … | Scopus International Conference | |
315 | Improvement in WRF model prediction for heavy rain events over North Sumatra region using satellite data assimilation | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 893 (1), 012040 | 2021 | IJA Saragih, HA Mukhsinin, K Tarigan, M Sinambela, M Situmorang, … | Scopus International Conference | |
316 | Focal mechanism and source determination of the Padang Lawas earthquake april 30, 2020, using moment tensor inversion | E3S Web of Conferences 340, 01012 | 2022 | A Gea, H Rumapea, S Sitepu, MJ Purba, R Parangin-angin, RIE Saragih, … | Scopus International Conference | |
317 | Ratio of radiated seismic energy and moment to determine source mechanism of the 2010 Mentawai tsunami earthquake | AIP Conference Proceedings 1454 (1), 158-161 | 2012 | S Pribadi, NT Puspito, Afnimar, G Ibrahim | Scopus International Conference | |
318 | Identification of earthquake that generate tsunamis in Java and Nusa Tenggara using rupture duration analysis | AIP Conf Proc 10 (1061), 4897118 | 2014 | S Pribadi, N Puspita, T Yudistira, P Afnimar, G Ibrahim, BI Laksono, … | Scopus International Conference | |
319 | Characterization of tsunamigenic earthquake in Java region based on seismic wave calculation | AIP Conference Proceedings 1589 (1), 129-132 | 2014 | S Pribadi, Afnimar, NT Puspito, G Ibrahim | Scopus International Conference | |
320 | Earthquake source characterization for tsunami zoning (Case study of the Bengkulu 12 September 2007 tsunami and the 2 June 1994 Banyuwangi tsunami) | AIP Conference Proceedings 1730 (1), 020015 | 2016 | S Pribadi, NT Puspito, MSS Rahman, Tristanawati | Scopus International Conference | |
321 | Determination of the earthquake source parameters using W-Phase inversion method and its uses for tsunami modelling | AIP Conference Proceedings 1857 (1), 090006 | 2017 | L Kesumastuti, A Marsono, T Yatimantoro, S Pribadi | Scopus International Conference | |
322 | In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 132, No. 1, p. 012012) | IOP Publishing.(2018, March) | 2018 | AM Julius, S Pribadi, M Muzli | Scopus International Conference | |
323 | Correlation Equation of Fault Size, Moment Magnitude, and Height of Tsunami Case Study: Historical Tsunami Database in Sulawesi | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 132 (1), 012012 | 2018 | AM Julius, S Pribadi, M Muzli | Scopus International Conference | |
324 | Dynamic triggering of seismic activity in Halmahera, Indonesia induced by 2016 Mw 7.7 solomon earthquake | AIP Conference Proceedings 1987 (1), 020035 | 2018 | R Sipayung, S Pribadi, D Sianipar | Scopus International Conference | |
325 | Tsunami scenario for Anyer and Cilegon | AIP Conference Proceedings 1987 (1), 020020 | 2018 | S Pribadi, NT Puspito, M Mahfud, AR Setyahagi | Scopus International Conference | |
326 | Manila Trench Tsunami Source Modeling for West Kalimantan Nuclear Facility Mitigation | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2019 (1), 012082 | 2021 | S Pribadi, T Kurniawan, H Suntoko, A Sudrajat, BS Prayitno, NF Riama | Scopus International Conference | |
327 | Tsunami Evidence in South Coast Java, Case Study: Tsunami Deposit along South Coast of Cilacap | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Sciencethis link is disabled, 2017, 71(1), 012001 | 2017 | Rizal, Y., Aswan, Zaim, Y., …Rahayu, R.H., Priyobudi | Scopus International Conference | |
328 | The effect of first waveform cut range to determine Mwp of large earthquake in Banda Sea | AIP Conference Proceedingsthis link is disabled, 2017, 1857, 4987050 | 2017 | Ali, Y.H., Wulandari, A., Yatimantoro, T. | Scopus International Conference | |
329 | Determination of the earthquake source parameters using W-Phase inversion method and its uses for tsunami modelling | AIP Conference Proceedingsthis link is disabled, 2017, 1857, 4987105 | 2017 | Kesumastuti, L., Marsono, A., Yatimantoro, T., Pribadi, S. | Scopus International Conference | |
330 | The Strategy Transforming purpose and Fundamental Management from The School of Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysical (STMKG) Agency Indonesia | International Review of Management and Marketing 9 (6), 120 | 2019 | I Soegiarto, B Tunas, M Yasin, AH Sutawidjaya | Scopus International Conference | |
331 | Site analysis using microtremor array for disaster mitigation of landslide in Curug Penganten tourism object in Banjar West Java | AIP Conference Proceedings 2391 (1), 090024 | 2022 | RS Yuliatmoko, M Muzli, RAP Kambali, YH Perdana, S Rohadi, NF Riama | Scopus International Conference | |
332 | Determination of shear wave splitting parameters in 2018 Lombok earthquake using rotation correlation method: preliminary result | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 873 (1), 012101 | 2021 | Annisa Trisnia Sasmi, Andri Dian Nugraha, Muzli Muzli, Sri Widiyantoro, Zulfakriza Zulfakriza, Shengji Wei, David P Sahara, Nanang T Puspito, Awali Priyono, Haunan Afif, Pepen Supendi, Daryono Daryono, Ardianto Ardianto, Devy Kamil Syahbana, Yayan Mi’rojul Husni, Billy S Prabowo, Kadek Hendrawan Palgunadi, Achmad Fajar Narotama Sarjan | Scopus International Conference | |
333 | Site characterizations of BMKG seismic network, Indonesia, based on HVSR analysis | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 873 (1), 012025 | 2021 | Muzli Muzli, RAP Kambali, J Nugraha, S Sulastri, AR Hakim, S Rohadi, R Triyono, NF Riama, D Karnawati | Scopus International Conference | |
334 | Tsunami impact on the coast of Sumba Island based on tsunami simulation using the maximum magnitude scenario in the 1977 Sumba earthquake | AIP Conference Proceedings 2331 (1), 030016 | 2021 | Telly Kurniawan, Naomi Oktavianti, Muzli Muzli, Wiko Setyonegoro, Rahmat Setyo Yuliatmoko, Supriyanto Rohadi, Nelly Florida Riama, Dwikorita Karnawati | Scopus International Conference | |
335 | Tsunami simulation for disaster mitigation based on earthquake scenarios in the Molucca subduction zone (case study of the Molucca Sea earthquake on July 7, 2019) | AIP Conference Proceedings 2320 (1), 040026 | 2021 | Telly Kurniawan, Rahmat Setyo Yuliatmoko, Bambang Sunardi, Angga Setiyo Prayogo, Muzli Muzli, Supriyanto Rohadi | Scopus International Conference | |
336 | MASW for the microzonation of earthquake hazard in Banjar City, West Java, Indonesia | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 716 (1), 012032 | 2021 | Muzli Muzli, Retno AP Kambali, Supriyanto Rohadi, Asep N Rachman, Jimmi Nugraha, Pupung Susilanto, Suliyanti Pakpahan, Wiko Setyonegoro, Nelly R Florida, Dwikorita Karnawati | Scopus International Conference | |
337 | Correlation Equation of Fault Size, Moment Magnitude, and Height of Tsunami Case Study: Historical Tsunami Database in Sulawesi | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 132 (1), 012012 | 2018 | Admiral Musa Julius, Sugeng Pribadi, Muzli Muzli | Scopus International Conference | |
338 | Investigation of Aceh segment and Seulimeum fault by using seismological data; a preliminary result | Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1011 | 2018 | U Muksin, I Rusydy, Muzli Muzli, Kemal Erbas, N Ismail | Scopus International Conference | |
339 | Comparing shear-wave velocity determined by MASW with borehole measurement at Merapi sediment in Yogyakarta | International Journal of Technology 8 (6), 993-1000 | 2017 | WA Prakoso, A Rahayu, IA Sadisun, AS Muntohar, M Muzli, A Rudyanto | Scopus International Conference | |
340 | Modified of ground motion prediction equation in Indonesia, case study: South and South-East of Sulawesi at 2011-2015 | AIP Conference Proceedings 1857 (1), 020003 | 2017 | Asyer Octhav, Admiral Musa Julius, Muzli Muzli, Ariska Rudyanto | Scopus International Conference | |
341 | The Lusi seismic experiment: An initial study to understand the effect of seismic activity to Lusi. | AIP Conference Proceedings 1658 | 2015 | Karyono, Adriano Mazzini, Matteo Lupi, Ildrem Syafri, Masturyono, Ariska Rudiyanto, Bayu Pranata, Muzli Muzli, Handi Sulistyo Widodo, Ajat Sudrajat, Anton Sugiharto | Scopus International Conference | |
342 | Rapid Moment Magnitude Estimation Using Strong Motion Derived Static Displacements | Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 12, 11-19 | 2015 | Muzli Muzli, Guenter Asch, Joachim Saul, Jaya Murjaya | Scopus International Conference | |
343 | study of inundation events along the southern coast of Java and Bali, Indonesia | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 55, 2nd International Conference on Tropical and Coastal Region Eco Development 2016 25–27 October 2016, Bali, Indonesia | 2017 | IR Nugraheni, DP Wijayanti, DN Sugianto, A Ramdhani | Scopus International Conference’ | |
344 | SIMULATION OF SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT USING WAVEWACTH III MODEL (CASE STUDY DURING 14TH-16TH JUNE 2015 IN SOUTHERN COAST OF EAST JAVA) | The 5th International Symposium for Sustainable Humanosphere (ISSH) | 2015 | A Mulsandi, RM Putra | International Conference | |
345 | A Comparison Study of Monsoon Onset and Retreat Definition in the Indonesian Region | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, A062-0001 | 2020 | A Mulsandi, A Sopaheluwakan, A Faqih, R Hidayat, Y Koesmaryono | International Conference | |
346 | The Utilization GPS Radio Occultation Data to Improve Numerical Weather Prediction Skill through Assimilation Data Procedure Using WRF3DVAR Technique over Jakarta Region | Symposium of Future Telecommunication and Technologies (SOFTT) | 2018 | W Qordowi, A Mulsandi | International Conference | |
347 | Identification of Mesoscale Convective Complex (MCC) During Active and Break Period of Asian Winter Monsoon in 2016 Using Himawari 8 Satellite Imagery | Proceeding of International Symposium for Sustainable Humanosphere, 116-120 | 2018 | LF Aiqiu, RE Lestari, A Mulsandi | International Conference | |
348 | Projection of Temperature for the Indonesian Maritime Continent under RCP4. 5 and RCP8. 5 Scenarios | EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 4666 | 2017 | Kadarsah Kadarsah, Ardhasena Sopaheluwakan, Utoyo Ajie Linarka, Ratna Satyaningsih, Jose Rizal, Adi Mulsandi, Ferdika Amsal Harapan, Eko Heriyanto | International Conference | |
349 | Sensitivity Test of Betts-Miller-Janjic and Grell-3D Cumulus Schemes on WRF-ARW Model to Simulate the Heavy Rainfall Event in Lampung (Case Study: 20 February 2017) | International Conference on Coastal and Delta Areas 3, 667-682 | 2017 | D Fatmasari, IJA Saragih, AW Putra, IR Nugraheni | International Conference | |
350 | The LUSI Seismic Experiment: Deployment of a Seismic Network around LUSI, East Java, Indonesia | EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 14315 | 2015 | K Karyono, A Mazzini, M Lupi, I Syafri, I Haryanto, M Masturyono, S Hadi, | International Conference | |
351 | DETERMINING THE BEST ANNUAL RAINFALL INTERPOLATION FOR BILA WALANAE WATERSHE | International Proceeding ASEAN YOUTH CONFERENCE 2018 | 2019 | A Kurniawan, ISH Auladiah, RH Virgianto | International Conference | – |
352 | Evaluation of PM2.5 Emission and Air Quality in Jakarta Megacity | 10th International Conference on Urban Climate/14th Symposium on the Urban Environment | 2018 | F Firdaus, RH Virgianto | International Conference | – |
353 | Withdrawn: Surface Ozone in Relation to Temperature | 10th International Conference on Urban Climate/14th Symposium on the Urban Environment | 2018 | AM Irawan, RH Virgianto | International Conference | – |
354 | Characteristics of earthquake occurrences based on chaotic analysis and fractal dimension | Proceedings of 2012 IEEE Conference on Control, Systems and Industrial Informatics, ICCSII 2012, | 2012 | Nugroho, H.A., Joelianto, E., Puspito, N.T. | International Conference | |
355 | Time series estimation of earthquake occurrences in Bali and its surroundings using NARX network model | Proceedings of 2013 3rd International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Automation, ICA | 2013 | Nugroho, H.A., Joelianto, E., Widiyantoro, S. | International Conference | |
356 | Withdrawn: Surface Ozone in Relation to Temperature | 10th International Conference on Urban Climate/14th Symposium on the Urban Environment | 2018 | AM Irawan, RH Virgianto | International Conference | |
357 | ANALYSIS OF CLIMATE THERMAL COMFORT USING PHYSIOLOGICALLY EQUIVALENT TEMPERATURE (PET) IN JAKARTA | Conference: ASEAN YOUTH CONFERENCE 2018 | 2019 | AN Khoir, Kurdiyan, B Utaminingtyas, A Safril | International Conference | |
358 | DEVELOPMENT OF METHOD FOR EXTRACTING LOW-LEVEL TROPOSPHERIC MOISTURE CONTENT FROM GROUND BASED GPS DERIVED PRECIPITABLE WATER VAPOR (PWV) | 12 th Biennial Conference of Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conf erence | 2014 | Aries Kristianto,Tri Wahyu Hadi, Dudy Darmawan Wijaya | International Conference | |
359 | THE INFLUENCE OF EL NINO AND LA NINA ON BIAK RAINFALL IN 30 YEARS | Integrating Bioresources and Advanced Technology for Sustainable Development, 74 | 2016 | P Ismail, A Kristianto | International Conference | |
360 | Simulation of land-sea breeze effect on the diurnal cycle of convective activity in the Eastern Coast of North Sumatra using WRF model | 2019 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Geoscience, Electronics and Remote … | 2019 | JAI Paski, IJA Saragih, DS Permana, MI Hastuti, A Kristianto, EES Makmur | International Conference | |
361 | The Influence Of El Niño and La Niña on Biak Rainfall in 30 Years (1981-2010) | Proceeding of International Symposium for Sustainable Humanosphere, 75-83 | 2017 | P Ismail, A Kristianto | International Conference | |
362 | Atmospheric dynamics and moisture transport forming tropical cyclones in Indonesia Maritime Continent | – | – | R D Ariyanti, D Asmarani, H A Rejeki, A Kristianto | International Conference | |
363 | Comparison of High and Low Resolution Sea Surface Temperatures Satellite Data Assimilation Using Atmosphere-Ocean Model : A Multi-Model Approach | The Ninth Asia/Oceania Meteorological Satellite Users’ Conference (AOMSUC-9) | 2018 | Khafid Rizki Pratama, Ejha Larasati Siadari, Bayu Edo Pratama, Muhamad Nur, Hasti Amrih Rejeki, Aries Kristianto | International Conference | |
364 | UJI PERFORMA ASIMILASI DATA OBSERVASI UDARA ATAS DAN UDARA PERMUKAAN MODEL WRF DI SEMARANG (STUDI KASUS TANGGAL 3–5 DESEMBER 2018) | Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Prosiding Seminar Pendidikan Geografi UHAMKA | 2021 | U Efendi, A Kristianto | International Conference | |
365 | Improvement of Landslide EWS at Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia | 2018 IPL SYMPOSIUM ON LANDSLIDES, 15-24 | 2018 | PA Dwikorita Karnawati, Munawar, Agus Safril, Rista Hernandi Virgianto, Amir … | International Conference | |
366 | Effect Of The Monsoon to Sea Surface Temperature In The Java Sea | International Conference on Maritime and Archipelago (ICoMA 2018), 86-89 | 2019 | Y Haryanto, R Agdialta, A Hartoko, S Anggoro, M Zainuri | International Conference | |
367 | Visualization of Aerological Diagram and Analysis of Atmospheric Sounding Information Using Raob with Model Data During Low Visibility Conditions at Cengkareng Meteorological Station | Proceedings of International Conference on Multidiciplinary Research, Vol 5, No 2 (2022): ICMR, DOI: | 2022 | Bagus Primohadi Syahputra, Muhammad Yusuf, Yosafat Donni Haryanto, Nelly Florida | International Conference | |
368 | Improvement of geomagnetic data quality at Indonesian observatories | Conference: IAGA XVIIIth WorkshopAt: Conrad Observatory, Vienna, Austria | 2019 | Relly Margiono, Christopher W. Turbitt, Ciaran Beggan, Kathryn A. Whaler | International Conference | |
369 | Modeling Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell using Non-linearity Cancellation Technique | International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering and Application | 2012 | Suharni, Harijono A. Tjokronegoro, Edi Leksono, | International Conference | – |
370 | Development of landslide detection system based on rainfall prediction and seismic aspect in Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia | 2018 IPL SYMPOSIUM ON LANDSLIDES, 25 – 30 | 2018 | Dwikorita Karnawati, Munawar, Agus Safril, Rista Hernandi Virgianto, Suharni .. | International Conference | |
371 | Improvement of Landslide EWS at Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia | 2018 IPL SYMPOSIUM ON LANDSLIDES, 15-24 | 2018 | Dwikorita Karnawati, Munawar, Agus Safril, Rista Hernandi Virgianto, Amir | International Conference | |
372 | Discrimination and Relocation of The 2013 North Korea Underground Nuclear Test: A New Contribution | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, S53B-2832 | 2015 | DS Sianipar | International Conference | |
373 | Interpretation of the gravity anomaly around the relocated epicenter of the Mw 6.1 Bener Meriah earthquake sequence | The 5th International Symposium on Earth-hazard and Disaster Mitigation … | 2015 | DSJ Sianipar, Daryono | International Conference | |
374 | The 2010 Simeulue Mw 7.8 earthquake: joint relocation of foreshocks, mainshock and aftershocks and implication for the earthquake nucleation process | The 5th International Symposium on Earth-hazard and Disaster Mitigation … | 2015 | DSJ Sianipar, H Subakti | International Conference | |
375 | Simultaneously Relocation of the 2013 North Korea Underground Nuclear Test with the Surrounding Seismicity Using MJHD and Double Difference Algorithm | CTBTO Science and Technology Conference 2015 T2.2-P17 | 2015 | DSJ Sianipar, IGKS Bunaga, ST Gustono, H Subakti, S Rohadi’ | International Conference | |
376 | Discrimination of DPRK M5. 1 February 12th, 2013 Earthquake as Nuclear Test Using Analysis of Magnitude, Rupture Duration and Ratio of Seismic Energy and Moment | EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 14234 | 2015 | D Salomo Sianipar, H Subakti, S Pribadi | International Conference | |
377 | Unusual Seismicity Preceding and Following The 2010 Mw 7.8 Simeulue, Sumatra Earthquake | The Seismological Society of America (SSA) Annual Meeting 2016 | 2016 | D Sianipar, H Subakti | International Conference | – |
378 | Source Investigation of the 2018 Lombok (Indonesia) Earthquake Sequences | EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 18938 | 2020 | D Salomo Januarianto Sianipar, BS Huang, KF Ma, … | International Conference | |
379 | Earthquake Source Characteristics along the Flores Thrust Fault, Indonesia | Taiwan International Ph.D. Graduate Program for Earth System Science … | 2022 | DSJ Sianipar | International Conference | – |
380 | ULF Geomagnetic Pertubations Related With Earthquake | Proceeding Conference on Applied Electromagnetic Technology (AEMT) | 2014 | AA Justicea, DR Daryono | International Conference | – |
381 | Derivation Vp/Vs ratio for Earthquake; Case Study: Tasikmalaya Earthquake | The 3rd Internasional Symposium on Earthquake and Disaster Mitigation | 2013 | AA Justicea, H Subakti | International Conference | – |
382 | Detection Tsunami by GPS-TEC, case study Aceh tsunami, 26 December 2004 (POSTER) | 3rd International Symposium Earthquake and Disaster Mitigation. ITBESDM | 2013 | AA Justicea, H Subakti, B Muslim | International Conference | – |
383 | Tsunami Detections by GPS Technology –Total Electron Content(TEC) | The 3rd Internasional Symposium on Earthquake and Disaster Mitigation | 2013 | AA Justicea | International Conference | – |
384 | Vp/Vs Ratio for Earthquake Precursor | The 3rd Internasional Symposium on Earthquake and Disaster Mitigation | 2013 | AA Justicea | International Conference | – |
385 | Teleseismic Double-Difference Earthquake Hypocenter Relocation in the Indonesian Region | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2014, T53C-4709 | 2014 | AD Nugraha, HA Shiddiqi, S Widiyantoro, M Ramdhan, W Wandono, … | International Conference | |
386 | Seismological Segmentation of Halmahera Thrust, Molucca Sea Region, based on Large Earthquake Sequences | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, S11A-2747 | 2015 | HA Shiddiqi, S Widiyantoro, AD Nugraha, M Ramdhan, SH Wiyono, | International Conference | |
387 | Seismicity analysis in Indonesia region from high precision hypocenter location | EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 8769 | 2015 | A Nugraha, H Shiddiqi, S Widiyantoro, M Ramdhan, W Wandono | International Conference | |
388 | Improve Precise Hypocenter Location in Indonesia Region derived from 3D Seismic Velocity Model | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, S53A-2797 | 2016 | AD Nugraha, S Widiyantoro, HA Shiddiqi, SH Wiyono, M Ramdhan, . | International Conference | |
389 | Term of combination and recombination in time series | Proceeding of The First International Conference on Science (ICOS-1), ISBN:ISBN: 978-602-72198-0-9 | 2014 | Giarno, Herdiani, E. T. dan Sunusi, T. N., | International Conference | |
390 | Simulation of a heavy rainfall-induced landslide event over Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta in Indonesia using WRF: Sensitivity to cloud microphysics parameterization | EGU22-12675 | 2022 | Danang Eko Nuryanto1, Ratna Satyaningsih1, Tri Astuti Nuraini1, Ardhasena Sopaheluwakan, Janneke Ettema3, Victor G Jetten3, Donaldi Sukma Permana1, Nelly Florida Riama1, and Dwikorita Karnawati | International Conference | |
391 | Spatial Ground-Level Particulate Matter (PM10) in Indonesia using Machine Learning | EGU22-8225, updated on 25 Apr 2022 | 2022 | Donaldi S Permana1, Yuaning Fajariana1, Kharisma Aprilina1, Danang E Nuryanto1, Utoyo A Linarka1, Andersen Panjaitan1, Nelly F Riama1, Ardhasena Sopaheluwakan1, M Rizky Munggaran2, and Dwikorita Karnawati1 | International Conference | |
392 | Evaluation of Low Cloud Cover from ERA5 Reanalysis over Indonesia in supporting renewable energy sector | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, GC45L-0943 | 2022 | Komalasari, Kurnia Endah ; Permana, Donaldi search by orcid ; Riama, Nelly ; Rahmadani, Nurul ; Satyaningsih, Ratna search by orcid ; Hidayanto, Nurdeka ; Yuliyanti, Mangisi ; Nuraini, Tri ; Anggraeni, Rian ; Aprilina, Kharisma ; Badriyah, Imelda ; Fajariana, Yuaning ; Sartika, Kwarti | International Conference | |
393 | On The Verification and Comparison of Extreme Rainfall Cases in Jakarta From WRF Model and Satellite | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, A45J-1980 | 2021 | R Yunita, MH Nurrahmat, A Rais, D Permana, I Fathrio, N Riama | International Conference | |
394 | Sensitivity of WRF cloud microphysics to simulations of a heavy rainfall induced landslide event over Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta, on 28 November 2018 | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, A55I-1498 | 2021 | D Nuryanto, R Satyaningsih, T Nuraini, A Sopaheluwakan, J Ettema | International Conference | |
395 | Comparison of Clm 4.5 and Bats Land-Surface Scheme in Regional Climate Model for Climate Projection Baseline in Indonesia: a Sensitivity Study | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, A55Q-1632 | 2021 | J Rizal, D Permana, U Linarka, E Heriyanto, R Anggraeni, M Yuliyanti | International Conference | |
396 | Performance of MODIS Deep Blue Collection 6.1 Aerosol Optical Depth Products over Indonesia: Spatio-temporal Variations and Aerosol Types | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, A15B-1607 | 2021 | D Permana, R Hutauruk, I Rangga, C Sucianingsih, T Nuraini | International Conference | |
397 | The MJO Impact on Daily Precipitation in Indonesia During 1981-2012 | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, A156-0008 | 2020 | D Permana, S Supari | International Conference | |
398 | A Multi-Scale Hydrometeorological Analysis of Flash Flood Event in Masamba, South Sulawesi on 13th July 2020 | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, A062-0002 | 2020 | JAI Paski, EES Makmur, D Permana, AS Praja, MH Nurrahmat, NF Riama | International Conference | |
399 | Observed interaction of MJO and Diurnal Rainfall Cycle based on a Weather Radar Observation in East Java | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, A23F-2441 | 2018 | D Permana, A Wandala, JAI Paski, D Hutapea, LF Muzayanah, AE Sakya | International Conference | |
400 | Measurements of solar irradiance, surface temperature, and relative humidity during the total solar eclipse over Indonesia on 9th March 2016 | EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 3107 | 2018 | R Satyaningsih, A Sopaheluwakan, K Kadarsah, J Rizal | International Conference | |
401 | Analysis of Micro-seismic Events Through Waveform Identification and Hypocenter Determination Around a Geothermal Field in West Java | Proceedings of the 11th SEGJ International Symposium, Yokohama, Japan, 18-21 … | 2013 | AD Nugraha, S Widiyantoro, M Ramdhan, B Mujihardi, DS Widarto, … | International Conference | |
402 | Teleseismic Double-Difference Earthquake Hypocenter Relocation in the Indonesian Region | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2014, T53C-4709 | 2014 | AD Nugraha, HA Shiddiqi, S Widiyantoro, M Ramdhan, W Wandono, … | International Conference | |
403 | Seismicity analysis in Indonesia region from high precision hypocenter location | EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 8769 | 2015 | A Nugraha, H Shiddiqi, S Widiyantoro, M Ramdhan, W Wandono | International Conference | |
404 | Seismological Segmentation of Halmahera Thrust, Molucca Sea Region, based on Large Earthquake Sequences | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, S11A-2747 | 2015 | HA Shiddiqi, S Widiyantoro, AD Nugraha, M Ramdhan, SH Wiyono, … | International Conference | |
405 | Analysis of Mw 7.2 2014 Molucca Sea earthquake and its aftershocks | IP Conference Proceedings 1730 (1), 020010 | 2016 | HA Shiddiqi, S Widiyantoro, AD Nugraha, M Ramdhan, SH Wiyono, … | International Conference | |
406 | Improve Precise Hypocenter Location in Indonesia Region derived from 3D Seismic Velocity Model | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, S53A-2797 | 2016 | AD Nugraha, S Widiyantoro, HA Shiddiqi, SH Wiyono, M Ramdhan, … | International Conference | |
407 | High Resolution Tomographic Imaging of the Internal Structure of Merapi Volcano, Central Java, Indonesia | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, S43B-2845 | 2016 | S Widiyantoro, JP Métaxian, T Yudistira, AD Nugraha, M Ramdhan, … | International Conference | |
408 | Multi-scale seismic tomography of the Merapi-Merbabu volcanic complex, Indonesia | EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 19423 | 2017 | N Mujid Abdullah, B Valette, B Potin, M Ramdhan | International Conference | |
409 | Structure of Merapi-Merbabu complex, central Java, Indonesia, modeled from body wave tomography | EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 12915 | 2018 | JP Metaxian, I Koulakov, S Widiyantoro, M Ramdhan, A Nugraha, … | International Conference | |
410 | Evidence of subduction zone segmentation: Finite-difference tomography and earthquake relocation along the Java margin | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, T51G-0379 | 2019 | AMM Sirait, A Meltzer, J Stachnik, M Ramdhan, N Heryandoko | International Conference | |
411 | A COMPARISON OF METHODS FOR TESTING HOMOGENEITY OF AVERAGE TEMPERATURE AND PRECIPITATION SERIES | Proceeding: The First International Seminar on Trends in Science and Science Education 2014 – ISBN 978-602-9115-37-6 | 2014 | M Sinambela, E Suryaningsih | International Conference | |
412 | Implementation of a Mamdani fuzzy logic controller for building automation using electronic control based on AT89S51 | 2015 International Conference on Technology, Informatics, Management … | 2015 | P Tarigan, S Sinurat, M Sinambela | International Conference | |
413 | Peak load forecasting based on long short term memory | 2019 International Conference on Informatics, Multimedia, Cyber and … | 2019 | I Pahendra, E Darnila, M Sadli, M Sinambela, W Fuadi | International Conference | |
414 | Classification of Nuclear Explosion Earthquake Signal based on Machine Learning Approach | 2019 International Conference of Computer Science and Information Technology … | 2019 | M Sinambela, M Situmorang, K Tarigan, S Humaidi, K Sebayang | International Conference | |
415 | Detection of Background Seismic Noise on Selected Digital Broadband Network Stations: Tarutung Earthquake | 2020 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Electronics, Computer, and … | 2020 | M Sinambela, M Situmorang, K Tarigan, S Humaidi, H Rumapea, … | International Conference | |
416 | Time-Frequency Analysis of Digital Broadband Station Based on Padang Lawas Earthquake | 2020 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Electronics, Computer, and … | 2020 | M Sinambela, K Tarigan, M Situmorang, S Humaidi, T Rahayu, AR Ainun | International Conference | |
417 | Waveform Classification for Seismic Spectral Analysis: A Case Study Banda Aceh Earthquake | 2020 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Electronics, Computer, and … | 2020 | T Rahayu, RBY Harry, WHE Limbong, DC Kuncoro, ZA Al Atas, … | International Conference | |
418 | An Application of Power Spectral Density and Probability Density Function for Seismic Mini Region Stations Performance: Padang Lawas Earthquake | 2020 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Electronics, Computer, and … | 2020 | T Rahayu, R Sipayung, AR Ainun, M Sinambela, K Tarigan | International Conference | |
419 | Blockchain-Based Multiple Server Database System Prototype on BMKG Automatic Weather Station (AWS) Center Architecture | 2022 Seventh International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC),1-6 | 2022 | Handi Sutriyan, Agung Sunaryadi, Marzuki Sinambela | International Conference | |
420 | Low Cloud Type Classification System Using Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm | 2022 Seventh International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC),1-6 | 2022 | Muhammad Naufal Fikriansyah, Hapsoro Agung Nugroho, Marzuki Sinambela | International Conference | |
421 | The analysis of P-wave period-duration as one of parameters for tsunami early warning | 4th International Conferenceon Theoretical and Applied Physics | 2014 | Z Adnan, S Pribadi, NT Puspito | International Conference | |
422 | Discrimination of DPRK M5. 1 February 12th, 2013 Earthquake as Nuclear Test Using Analysis of Magnitude, Rupture Duration and Ratio of Seismic Energy and Moment | EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 14234 | 2015 | D Salomo Sianipar, H Subakti, S Pribadi | International Conference | |
423 | Correlation of Fault Size, Moment Magnitude, and Tsunami Height to Proved Paleo-tsunami Data in Sulawesi Indonesia | American Geophysical Union 2016, PO14B-2760 | 2016 | AM Julius, S Pribadi | International Conference | |
424 | Determination of Moment Magnitude (Mwp) for Tsunami Early Warning Using Wave Signal P Broadband | The 13th SEGJ International Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 12-14 November 2018 … | 2019 | B Simamora, S Ariwibowo, F Hiola, K Wicaksono, S Pribadi | International Conference | |
425 | An On-Site Post-Event Survey of the 2022 Mw 6.1 West Pasaman Sumatera Destructive Earthquake | NTU Journal of Renewable Energy 2 (1), 39-49 | 2022 | AM Julius, S Pribadi, AA Saputra, BS Prayitno, S Ahadi, D Hermanto, … | International Conference | |
426 | The Changing Academy (AMG) to the College (STMKG) in Order to Improve BMKG Organization Performance | International Conference on Banking, Accounting, Management, and Economics … | 2019 | I Soegiarto, B Tunas, M Yasin | International Conference | |
427 | Shear Wave Splitting Delay Time Tomography of the 2018 Lombok Earthquake Aftershock Area Using Local Seismographic Network Data: a Preliminary Result | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, T35B-0202 | 2021 | Annisa Trisnia Sasmi, Andri Nugraha, Muzli Muzli, Sri Widiyantoro, Syuhada Syuhada, Zulfakriza Zulfakriza, Shengji Wei, David Sahara, Nanang Puspito, Awali Priyono, Haunan Afif, Pepen Supendi, Daryono Daryono, Ardianto Ardianto, Devy Syahbana, Yayan Husni, Billy Prabowo, Achmad Fajar Sarjan | International Conference | |
428 | The 2018 Lombok earthquake cascade was controlled by thermal squeezing of the seismogenic zone from an active arc volcano | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, T042-02 | 2020 | Karen Lythgoe, Kyle E Bradley, Muzli Muzli, Teng Wang, Andri D Nugraha, Zulfakriza Zulfakriza, Sri Widiyantoro, Shengji Wei | International Conference |…02L/abstract |
429 | P-wave Attenuation Structure around the Source Region of 2018 Lombok, Indonesia, Earthquakes | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, S061-0013 | 2020 | Awali Priyono, Andri D Nugraha, Ardianto Ardianto, Atin Nur Aulia, Billy S Prabowo, Shindy Rosalia, Muzli Muzli, Zulfakriza Zulfakriza, Shengji Wei | International Conference | |
430 | Fault geometry and rupture patterns of the 2018 Lombok earthquakes-complex thrust faulting in a volcanic retro-arc setting | EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 10012 | 2019 | Shengji Wei, Karen Lythogoe, Muzli Muzli, Andri Dian Hugraha, Kyle Bradley | International Conference | |
431 | Fault geometry and rupture patterns of the 2018 Lombok earthquakes–complex thrust faulting in a volcanic back-arc setting | AGU Fall Meeting 2019 | 2019 | Karen Lythgoe, Muzli Muzli, Andri D Nugraha, Shengji Wei, Ping Tong, Zulfakriza Zulfakriza | International Conference | |
432 | Ground-Motions from Tsunami Earthquakes: An Example from Indonesia and Implications for Hazard and Warning | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, NH32A-07 | 2019 | Valerie J Sahakian, Diego Melgar, Muzli Muzli | International Conference | |
433 | Reconstruction of the December 2018 Anak Krakatau Eruptive Activity Based on Eyewitness Reports, and Remote Seismo-acoustic and Satellite Observations | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, V44B-07 | 2019 | Anna B Perttu, Corentin Caudron, Jelle D Assink, Dirk Metz, Benoit Taisne, Dorianne Tailpied, Brian K Perttu, C Hilbert, David Fee, Dini Nurfiani, Muzli Muzli, Oystein L Andersen | International Conference | |
434 | Applications of Short-Period Seismic Nodes for Earthquake and Tectonic Studies | Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX) | 2019 | Karen Lythgoe, Muzli Muzli, Audri Dian Nugraha, Rahmat Triyono, Shengji Wei | International Conference | |
435 | The First Strong Motion Database and GMPEs for Sumatra | AGU Fall Meeting 2018 | 2018 | Muzli Muzli, Shengji Wei, Ariska Rudyanto | International Conference | |
436 | The 2018 Mw7. 5 Palu earthquake, a gradually accelerating super-shear rupture stopped by stress shadows in a complex fault system | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, NH23F-3550 | 2018 | Shengji Wei, Guangcai Feng, Hongyu Zeng, Stacey Servito Martin, Qibin Shi, Muzli Muzli, Teng Wang, Eric Ostrom Lindsey, R Triyono Sr, Judith Hubbard, Paul Tapponnier, Kerry Sieh | International Conference | |
437 | A Report Of The December 6, 2016 Mw 6.5 Pidie Jaya, Aceh Earthquake | AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, S53B-0688 | 2017 | Muzli Muzli, Gatut Daniarsyad, Andri D Nugraha, Umar Muksin, Sri Widiyantoro, Kyle Bradley, Teng Wang, PG Jousset, Kemal Erbas, Irwandi Nurdin, Shengji Wei | International Conference | |
438 | Analysis of source process and static surface deformation of the November 15, 2014 Halmahera earthquake | The 5th International Symposium on Earthhazard and Disaster Mitigation 1730 … | 2016 | Abdul Rosid, Iman Suardi, Muzli Muzli | International Conference | |
439 | Observation to empirical PGA ratio estimates the relative thickness of sediment | The 5th International Symposium on Earthhazard and Disaster Mitigation | 2016 | Muzli Muzli, Zainal Abidin, Sunarjo | International Conference | |
440 | ACEHSEIS, a local seismic experiment in Bener Meriah and Central Aceh | Proceeding ASEAN Cosat, 319-327 | 2014 | Muzli Muzli, Muksin Umar, Klaus Bauer, Masturyono, Jaya Murjaya, Rakhindro P. Mahesworo, Sigit Pramono | International Conference | – |